Child pages
  • How to configure and use the Jira Select Field in ConfiForms

This is the documentation for ConfiForms Server/Data Center app

However, this might also work for ConfiForms cloud and in most cases it does. But please see this page to understand the differences between server and cloud versions of the ConfiForms app.

Since ConfiForms version 3.13 (DC/Server, and also available in ConfiForms cloud) we have introduced a new field to help you with configuring fields that take their values from the fields in Jira.


You should already have a web-service connection to your Jira service (done once by your instance administrator)

ConfiForms app configuration

  • Server/DC - /admin/vertuna/confiforms/config.action?tab=ws
  • Cloud - /wiki/plugins/servlet/ac/com.vertuna.confluence.plugins.confiforms/confi-forms-admin?user.isExternalCollaborator=false (select Webservices connections tab)

The connection must be to your Jira (starting from 8.x or cloud) and must be to your Jira root. ConfiForms uses and constructs the API call dynamically concatenating the root URL you have configured with the URL mentioned in this service


And select the connection to use and the project/issue type where the field is configured

For example, we want to configure a field to take values from a project FORMS (project key in Jira), Issue type where it is used and configured is a "Bug" and the field name is "customfield_11000"

That's it. Nothing more to configure. ConfiForms will determine automatically the field type - be it the single select or multi-select (multi checkboxes in Jira are rendered as multi-select in ConfiForms), or a cascading list. And will render accordingly.

When the field is

  • a single choice select you can easily get it's values via 

Of course, when accessed through the ConfiForms Field macro (setting it's field name parameter to simply: jiraSelectField (in other words to the name of the field that you have configured to be as you Jira Select Field) it will render itself automatically without any needed transformations and etc )

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