This is the documentation for ConfiForms Server/Data Center app
However, this might also work for ConfiForms cloud and in most cases it does. But please see this page to understand the differences between server and cloud versions of the ConfiForms app.
Please note that formulas are calculated PER ROW.
And if used within TableViewMerger or ValueView macros then calculated per row values might also be aggregated across the matched rows
Function names are CASE SENSITIVE
Mathematical Operators | |
Operator | Description |
+ | Additive operator |
- | Subtraction operator |
* | Multiplication operator |
/ | Division operator |
% | Remainder operator (Modulo) |
^ | Power operator |
Boolean Operators* | |
Operator | Description |
= | Equals |
== | Equals |
!= | Not equals |
<> | Not equals |
< | Less than |
<= | Less than or equal to |
> | Greater than |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
&& | Boolean and |
|| | Boolean or |
*Boolean operators result always in a BigDecimal value of 1 or 0 (zero). Any non-zero value is treated as a true value. Boolean not is implemented by a function.
Function* | Description |
NOT(expression) | Boolean negation, 1 (means true) if the expression is not zero |
IF(condition,value_if_true,value_if_false) | Returns one value if the condition evaluates to true or the other if it evaluates to false Condition should be a mathematic expression that results in true or false or a function, such as EQUALS/EMPTY which has a true or false as a result IF(1<2, "1", "2") IF(1==2, "one", "two") IF(EQUALS("1", "2"), "one", "two") IF([entry.field1]<[entry.field2], "Field1 is smaller", "Field2 is bigger") IF(EQUALS("[entry.field1]", "[entry.field2]"), "Values for field1 and field2 equally match", "Values for field1 and field2 are not equal") |
RANDOM() | Produces a random number between 0 and 1 |
MIN(e1,e2) | Returns the smaller of both expressions |
MAX(e1,e2) | Returns the bigger of both expressions |
ABS(expression) | Returns the absolute (non-negative) value of the expression |
ROUND(expression,precision) | Rounds a value to a certain number of digits, uses the current rounding mode |
FLOOR(expression) | Rounds the value down to the nearest integer |
CEILING(expression) | Rounds the value up to the nearest integer |
LOG(expression) | Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of an expression |
SQRT(expression) | Returns the square root of an expression |
SIN(expression) | Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle (in degrees) |
ASIN(expression) | Returns the trigonometric ASIN of an angle |
COS(expression) | Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle (in degrees) |
ACOS(expression) | Returns the trigonometric ACOS of an angle |
TAN(expression) | Returns the trigonometric tangens of an angle (in degrees) |
ATAN(expression) | Returns the trigonometric ATAN of an angle |
SINH(expression) | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a value |
COSH(expression) | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value |
TANH(expression) | Returns the hyperbolic tangens of a value |
RAD(expression) | Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians |
DEG(expression) | Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees |
FORMATDATE(expression) | Formats date (timestamp) using date format configured in Confluence |
FORMATDATETIME(expression) | Formats datetime (timestamp) using datetime format configured in Confluence |
NOW() | Useful for tracking last updated timestamps (could be used together with FORMATDATE or FORMATDATETIME) see below |
FORMATFILESIZE(value) | Shows file size in MB and KB, instead of long value in bytes |
FORMATMINSECAGO(value) | Shows minutes and seconds ago since the given timestamp |
FORMATHOURMINSECAGO(value) | Shows hours, minutes and seconds ago since the given timestamp |
FORMATHOURMINAGO(value) | Formats given timestamp value as a string with hours and minutes |
FORMATDAYSAGO(value) | Shows days ago since the given timestamp |
FORMATDATEAS(value, format) | Formats date in given format (format pattern should be |
USER() | Returns current user full name |
USERNAME() | Returns current user username |
EMPTY(value) | Checks if given value is empty |
NOTEMPTY(value) | Checks if given value is not empty |
LEN(value) | Calculates length for given value (length = number of characters) |
LENGTH(value) | Same as LEN(value) |
FORMATNUMBER(value, format) | Where format is a pattern as described here Example: FORMATNUMBER([entry.f1], "###,###.00") |
ZEROIFEMPTY("value") | If value is empty, then it will be passed further as 0. Useful when you might have an empty value for a field but would like to format it with FORMATNUMBER function for example |
EQUALS(value1, value2) EQUALS("value1", "value2") | Compares two values. Return true if values are equal and false otherwise First example works when values are numeric (EQUALS(value1, value2)), while the 2nd example works for "text" values (EQUALS("value1", "value2")) |
CONCAT("value1", "value2") SINCE V. 3.5.3 CONCAT("value1", "value2", <any_number of arguments>) | Will concatenate values together into one Since version 3.5.3 you can supply any number of arguments to CONCAT function For versions before the mentioned please use nesting CONCAT(CONCAT("[entry.value1]", " [entry.value2]"), "[entry.value3]") |
MATCHES("value", regExpPattern) SINCE V. 3.4.5 | Returns true if a given value matches the regular expression given |
*Functions names are case insensitive.
For functions which work with text values and text values could potentially be empty then you must use quotes or double quotes for your parameters. For example:
Constant | Description |
PI | The value of PI, exact to 100 digits |
TRUE | The value one |
FALSE | The value zero |
[entry.f1] + ([entry.f2] * [entry.f3]) | Simple math expression, assuming f3 = 2, f2 = 1 and f1 = 5 the calculated value will be 7 |
IF(0, hi, bye) | bye |
IF([entry.somefield], hi, bye) | depending on the field value: if 0 then "bye" will be outputted and "hi" otherwise |
IF([entry.field1]+31, IF([entry.field2], 4, 12)*10, NA) | also, depends on a values for fields field1 and field2 |
FORMATDATE(NOW()) | will print current date using Confluence date format |
IF(EMPTY("[entry.somefield]", "ERROR", "SUCCESS") | will print ERROR if the value for field "somefield" is empty and SUCCESS if not empty |
IF(LEN("[entry.someotherfield]")>1, "Good", "Not good at all") | will print Good if someotherfield's value is longer than 1 character (and if not then Not good at all is printed) |
FORMATNUMBER([entry.f1], "###,###.00") | when entry.f1 = 100 the output will be: 100.00 when entry.f1 = 1100.01 the output will be: 1,100.01 |
FORMATNUMBER([entry.f1], "###,###.##") | when entry.f1 = 100 the output will be: 100 when entry.f1 = 1100.01 the output will be: 1,100.01 |
FORMATNUMBER(ZEROIFEMPTY("[entry.f1]"), "###,###.##") | when entry.f1 is empty (nothing set), then 0 will be given to FORMATNUMBER function and the result would be: 0 |
IF(EMPTY("[entry.somefield]", "ERROR", IF(EMPTY("[entry.anotherfield]", "ERROR", "SUCCESS")))) | to check if both values for fields "somefield" and "anotherfield" do present and set the label to "SUCCESS" (and to "ERROR" otherwise) |
As always, using [entry.field_name] notations you can access other field properties (depending on a field type) and apply functions whenever needed
Accessing field values and properties