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  • Using PlainView to debug ConfiForms expressions, Velocity templates and more

This is the documentation for ConfiForms Server/Data Center app

However, this might also work for ConfiForms cloud and in most cases it does. But please see this page to understand the differences between server and cloud versions of the ConfiForms app.

Sometimes when business logic becomes more and more complex you need a tool to help you to deal with it

We have implemented a ConfiForms PlainView not only as a macro that allows you to create a completely custom views over the ConfiForms data utilizing the HTML and more, but also to help you with debugging the expressions and Velocity templates

ConfiForms PlainView has an option to evaluate it's contents as a Velocity template (same as the ConfiForms IFTTT macro does -  IFTTT macro body evaluates as Velocity template)

This could help you to debug JSON mappings you are preparing for creating Jira issues (Creating Jira issue from Confluence with ConfiForms)

Just put your Velocity template inside the ConfiForms PlainView macro and see the rendering results instantly - works with macro preview as well!

Also, creating a record and then having an expression (Supported math operators, formulas and functions) written inside the PlainView macro body you can see how the formula expression looks like after ConfiForms evaluated all the parameters

Or any expression you might have in ConfiForms Field Definition Rules or Calculated/Formula fields

ConfiForms PlainView helps you to get the results instantly and streamline your troubleshooting/debugging needs