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This form tracks the who has changed the data and when, and this is done conditionally, when the checkbox field is checked

Also, it shows how to set the date to be in the future from now - Due date is set automatically to +14 days from now


If you are unfamiliar with ConfiForms IFTTT rules and want a more detailed and a step by step solution then have a look at this simplified one: Tracking last updater

ConfiForms Form Definition

chWill save the user and timestamp when checkedcheckeduncheckedcheckbox

dueDateDate duedate

changedByChanged Byhidden

changedWhenChanged whennumberhidden

*dueDateHide field

dueDate=([now]+1209600000)Set value

ch:truetrueCreate ConfiForms EntryonCreatedentryId=[]&changedBy=[entry._user]&changedWhen=[entry._now]

ch:truetrueCreate ConfiForms EntryonModifiedentryId=[]&changedBy=[entry._user]&changedWhen=[entry._now]
