Support for partial server to cloud migrations (when migrations are done space by space)
Possibility to configure which field types, field rules and IFTTT types can be used in the instance, allowing Confluence administrators to have better control over the app's features
Fixed issue with Smart classifiers misbehaving when using configurations having references to @self (as page/form sources)
Preparing for Confluence 10, moving app configuration from "bandana" storage to plugin settings
Please be aware that downgrading from this version is not recommended!
As you may loose the changes you made to app settings (which are stored into a new location since this version of the app)
asImageLink function (Virtual functions) now accepts CSS styles as a parameter
Fixed issues with filtering engine when a value with dot(s) is given as a parameter for the free text search
Added support for dynamically resolved values (via [entry.field_name] notations) for the following parameters in the ConfiForms Form Definition: to define additional super users and form administrators
Extended func bridge to take an argument, this allows, for example, to do something like [entry._func(123456).asPage.pageProperties(myproperty)] - to read a page property value from a given page
Version 3.16.2 - internal version
Version 3.16.1
Fixed issues with Confluence 9.x and rendering of barcodes, QR codes and captcha for anonymous users
Support for @self and for @parent when referencing pages in smart and dynamic fields configurations
"Divide" virtual function now respects the scale of a value that is used as a divisor when rounding
Dynamic dropdown and dynamic multi-label offer choices immediately and dont require for users to start typing
Whitelisted methods of a ConfiForms record (RegEntry class) to be able to use with Confluence 9.x with Velocity templates
Fixed issue with REST APIs using stalled data from the cache
Fixed small issue with a Checkbox group not taking in the custom CSS style when configured
Fixed issue with parsing of dates where custom format creates a numeric value
Version 3.16
Fixed issue with a Link field compatibility with Confluence 9.1+
Fixed issue with REST API module not enabling on certain versions of Confluence (8.8.x in particular)
Fixed content type for exports in excel format
Fixed issue with custom layouts not being correctly used for Edit Controls when they are configured with dynamically resolved properties ([entry.field_name] notations)
Fixed issue with REST API double encoding of values for smart fields or multi-value fields