Quite often we are asked about the possibility to have a page with ConfiForms Form that creates sub-pages with another ConfiForms form or forms, having some smart fields which need to be dynamically pointed at the field in the form used to create this sub-page.

This is easy to do, right? You just create something like 

Having an "outer" form and an inner form, with a field "d" of type smart dropdown pointing at form "f", field "t" values

You save the page and can create sub-pages like this, and the data in the smart dropdown is nicely loaded

But if you copy the original page with Confluence, the reference in "d" field in inner form will still be pointing at the page you have copied this from.

Could we make this dynamic? yes, we can!

ConfiForms evaluates the IFTTT macro body as a Velocity template. See Configuring ConfiForms IFTTT actions

Which means we can use reference to current page using 


But to put this into the page we need something else, as Confluence editor does not allow us to do that.

So, we need to have a way to alter storage format a bit, and this is where Confluence editor plugin helps us, https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.editor.confluence-source-editor/server/overview. It is a free plugin from Atlassin, which helps to do the "fine tuning".

So, with this plugin we could go to page internals, find the smart field and do something like this.



Save the page and that's it - you have a dynamic "inner" form. So, when you copy your  page with "outer" form and create new records and pages there you will have the reference in your smart field set dynamically to point at the right "owning page"