In this tutorial you will learn how to override ConfiForms Register macro defaults using URL query parameters

There is a way to override some defaults of ConfiForms Register macro. You can override form mode (embedded or dialog), as well as set default parameters from the URL (query string) or using the ConfiForms Registration Control macro parameter

Using ConfiForms Registration Control macro parameter

See "Set values as key=value pairs, separated by & (as request parameters)" parameter. We set field t1 to value "hello" and field t2 to value "world"

Using query string (when constructing own link to a page where ConfiForms Registration Control macro is located)

3 parameters are supported

Let's have a simple form of 3 fields (all are of text type), which uses default ConfiForms Register macro

Form name is "f". The form is created in space named MYTEST and page name is "Simple registration"

The form looks like this when in page view mode (admin user):

To override form mode, one will do the following:

The form will be shown in embedded mode

To set the default values for the form fields:;t2:world

Here we set field t1 to Hello and field t2 to world

With ConfiForms version 1.51.6+ you can use the URL parameter called "cf_showonload" to open the form dialog automatically

<a href="<URL_TO_PAGE_WITH_FORMVIEW>?cf_name=f&cf_showonload=true">auto open form</a>

In this example our form's name is "f", which is mandatory parameter when you want to use "cf_showonload" parameter, and must point at the form you want to enable this dialog "auto-open"