confiform | Main macro to define the entry form and it's rules ConfiForms Form name | formName | Name of the form you are creating. Must be unique within the page and alphanumeric. Allowed symbols are [a-z] |
Registration form title | registrationFormTitle | Title for your form to be shown on registration dialog |
Label for Save button shown on registration form | saveButtonLabel | Text to show for 'Save' button on registration dialog |
Enable full audit | enableAudit | If set, enables full audit. Tracks all the changes made and enables change history. Form admin users are able to see the log as a part of Admin UI |
Lock form | locked | Flag to be used when ConfiForm must be locked for new registrations. Admin users will still be able to manage form's data |
Message to show when the form is locked | lockedMessage | When the form is locked a message with given text will be shown to users |
Enforce one entry per user | uniqueByUser | ConfiForms will ensure one record per user (ownedBy) is saved |
Shows only own records to non-admin users | showOnlyOwnRecords | If parameter is set then only records own by the user will be visible to this user. Admin users will still see all the records. |
Form is read-only after registration | readonlyAfterRegistration | Set's the form to be readonly after user have registered. Form will be readonly only for the user registered. Users who have not yet registered will still be able to register. |
Message to show when a form is read-only and user has already been registered | readonlyAfterRegistrationMessage | When the flag 'Form is read-only after registration' is set and the user has registered the message will be shown with the text specified |
Track maximum capacity (records number) | maxCapacity | ConfiForms will allow only given number of registrations |
Message to show when maximum capacity is reached | maxCapacityMessage | When the flag 'Track maximum capacity (records number)' is set and the maximum has been reached the following message will be shown to the user with the given text |
Allow data export | export | If you want to enable data export for non-admin users (You will still need to set "Enable export" parameter on the TableView macro) |
Enable form's ''Print'' button | printEnabled | If set, then the form has a print button enabled |
Show editable fields in Print view | printEditable | If un-checked the fields in print view will be shown as read-only labels. When checked the form fields will be shown as editable fields |
Additional usernames (or user groups) that should be treated as form administrators | additionalFormAdmins | Comma separated list of usernames / usergroups that should be treated as form admins. Useful, when you want to lock down the form configuration but enable full control over the form's data to certain users |
confiform-field-definition | Macro to use inside the ConfiForms Form macro to define form fields, their types and behavior Field name | fieldName | Allows alphanumeric values and must be unique within the form defined |
Label | fieldLabel | Label to be shown with item (caption for button, title for input fields, header when used through ConfiForms Field in TableView/CardView) |
Required | required | If set then ConfiForms will validate the user's input for given field and ensures it is set |
Field type | type | Type of the field. Defines how the field is entered (datepickers for dates, dropdowns, etc). See exact definitions for more details. Type | Compatibility | Description |
Text | 4.3+ | simple text input field | Autolink | 4.3+ | You can create automatic links to resources based on a defined pattern. Very useful when used together with IFTTT macro to create pages. You can reference record owner as [owner]; record modifier, as [modifier]; any record field as [entry.FIELD_NAME] (except , which is not available when a record is about to be created) | Autonumber | 4.3+ | Field value is an auto incremented numeric value which will be assigned automatically to each record. You can control how the number is shown: by using mask (prefix) and initial number. See Text masks | Autopage | 4.3+ | Track the source of the record. Page where record was added will be automatically tracked | Calculated | 4.3+ | Enables you to set values for the field based on the expression. See Supported math operators and functions | Checkbox | 4.3+ | checkbox type of field | Checkbox group | 4.3+ | group of checkbox type inputs | Date | 4.3+ | Datepicker control, stores data in the format specified in Confluence general settings for DateFormat | Datetime | 4.3+ | Datepicker with time control, stores data in the format specified in Confluence general settings for DateTimeFormat | Drawing canvas | 4.3+ | for capturing simple drawings from users (good for 'wet signatures' for example) | Dropdown | 4.3+ | a dropdown (or combobox) field to use for capturing user input | Dynamic Dropdown | 4.3+ | a dropdown (or combobox) field, values could be pre-defined or referenced from other form with ability for users to enter their own | File | 4.3+ | to upload files/images. Files will be stored as attachments on the page where the ConfiForms form is defined | Hidden | 4.3+ | a hidden constant to be stored with the record | Link | 4.3+ | convenient way to store links to other resources and show them as links | Masked Text | 4.3+ | Masked input for your text control. See here, how to define a mask: Text masks | Multiselect | 5.3+ | useful when multiple values for the field should be stored | JIRA issue | 4.3+ | You can reference a JIRA issue with this field. Requires an application link to be set up | Page/Blog post | 4.3+ | reference Confluence page or blogpost | Radio group | 4.3+ | group of radio type inputs. Useful with surveys | Section | 4.3+ | section placeholder for your form. Use it to separate fields logically | Simple date | 4.3+ | 3 dropdowns (year, month, day) for easier date selection | Smart classifier | 4.3+ | sophisticated field type to allow users to enter data based on stored structured dataset. You can define as deep structure as you need. | Smart Dropdown Smart Multiselect Smart Radio buttons Smart Checkbox | 4.3+ Smart-multiselect 5.3+ | a field to use for referencing the data from other ConfiForm forms. You can reference either other forms dropdown values or directly records stored (see the flag 'Reference to values'). | Status | 5.3+ | easily group and visualize your data. Each status has own color, useful when you need to group (or label) your data | Textarea | 4.3+ | shows user input in textarea field | User | 4.3+ | User's lookup field, useful when you need to store a reference Confluence users | User (multiselect) | 5.3+ | User's lookup field with ability to select many users | WYSIWYG | 5.0+ (on 4.3 this controls is shown as textarea) | simple editor, supports basic formatting styles |
* Compatibility column shows Confluence version number this field type is compatible with. |
Field description | fieldDescription | Set's explanatory text to the field used. Visible on the form, below the field |
Visible only to groups/users | restrictions | Comma-separated group names/usernames this field is visible to. Leave blank if there are no restrictions |
Editable only by groups/users | editRestrictions | Comma-separated group names/usernames this field is editable by. Leave blank if there are no restrictions |
CSS styles | css | Will be applied on the fields input (If your intention is to have a customized output of the field, then you need to change a CSS on ConfiForms Field macro) |
Validation rules | validation | Regular Expression to use for fields input validation. See detailed documentation Validation |
Message to show when validation fails | validationMessage | Message to be shown whn validation fails. If not specified the standard message will be shown. |
confiform-entry-register | Macro to define form's registration behaviour and the way how form is shown (dialog or embedded to page). You can have many 'Registration Controls' on different pages (or even on the same page) which use the same form (form definition) When macro has a body defined then it will be used as an input for your form layout. To enable WYSIWYG mode you must have "ConfiForm Field" macros as a body of your "ConfiForms Registration Control" macro. You can place "ConfiForm Field" macros with any styling and any additional text. If "ConfiForms Registration Control" macro is not defined (empty) a default layout will be used (table/card with key-value fields) ConfiForms Form name | formName | Name of the ConfiForm this registration control should be linked to. The parameter is required when the macro is used stand-alone (not inside the ConfiForms Form macro). Could be skipped when the macro is configured inside the ConfiForms Form macro (in this case form name is taken automatically) |
Page name where the form is defined | pageTitle | Leave blank if the form is defined on the same page |
Embedded or Dialog? | embedded | Check this option if you want to have your form embedded on the page, uncheck if you want your form as a pop-up dialog |
Label for Registration button | registrationButtonLabel | Caption for registration button used |
Message to show after a record been created | registrationMessage | |
Message to show after a record been updated | updateMessage | |
Set values as key-value pairs, separated by & (as request parameters) | presetValues | Where ''key'' is ConfiForms Field name and ''value'' is the value you want to preset, separated by & |
Enable auto enroll | autoenroll | Useful when form has preset values (key-value pairs) and can be auto submitted. As you can have multiple registration controls for one form you can use "autoenroll" with predefine set of data to enable one-clieck submissions - works great when you want to capture yes/no feedback |
Valid redirect URL | redirectUrl | URL to redirect after successful ''save'' operation if needed. Supports parameters/references to record fields. You can reference record owner as [owner]; record modifier - as [modifier]; any record field as [entry.FIELD_NAME] |
CSS styles, separated by semicolon | css | Applied on ''Registration'' button when Dialog mode is on (when in embedded mode this button is not shown) |
Visible only to groups/users | restrictions | Comma-separated list of group names/usernames this field is visible to. Leave blank if there are no restrictions |
Hide control when stored data matches this criteria | hideIfMatches | Same syntax as in filters . The scope is ALL ConfiForms entries stored by the form referenced |
confiform-entry-edit | Macro defines Edit controls behavior for ConfiForms ListView and ConfiForms TableView Inline edit or through the modal dialog | inline | Defines how the record edit should be done: through dialog or inline on the page |
Show both, Edit and Delete, buttons or just Edit | showBoth | You can restrict the 'Delete' action for users or allow both: Edit and Delete. If you want to restrict both: Edit and Delete then do not define the 'ConfiForms Edit Controls' macro |
Label for Edit button | editButtonLabel | |
Label for Delete button | deleteButtonLabel | |
Hide controls when stored data (for given record) matches this criteria | hideIfMatches | Same syntax as in filters . The scope is one current ConfiForms entry |
confiform-table | Macro to visualize your stored data as table, with instant search, filtering and data sorting/ordering ConfiForms Form name | formName | Name of the ConfiForm form TableView should use |
Page name where the form is defined | pageTitle | Leave blank if the form is defined on the same page |
Filter to apply on entries dataset | filter | See detailed documentation below and/or in the tutorials |
Ordering/Sorting rules to apply on entries dataset | sort | See detailed documentation below and/or in the tutorials |
Enable instant search field over the table data | enableSearch | Adds search input to the table to enable quick search/filter on stored data |
Enable export | export | Provides a way to download forms content in CSV, XML and JSON formats. Admin users could always export ConfiForms data via the admin UI. For non-admin users, form's owner should enable support for data export via 'Allow data export' on ConfiForms form macro |
Pagination | pager | Showing records in sets (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 per page). If not configured then all stored records are shown |
If set when the resulting page will be wrapped into a scrollable container | wrapped | Parameter to wrap tables in scrollable divs, useful for showing big datasets |
CSS styles for TableView (table) | css | Custom CSS to place on the table generated. To apply a CSS class - prefix it with 'class:' |
Render a striped table | withHighlighting | Highlight every second row in a table |
confiform-list | Macro to visualize your stored data in WYSIWYG view (also supports filtering and data sorting/ordering) ConfiForms Form name | formName | Name of the ConfiForm form TableView should use |
Page name where the form is defined | pageTitle | Leave blank if the form is defined on the same page |
Filter to apply on entries dataset | filter | See detailed documentation below and/or in the tutorials |
Pagination | pager | Showing records in sets (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 per page). If not configured then all stored records are shown |
Ordering/Sorting rules to apply on entries dataset | sort | See detailed documentation below and/or in the tutorials |
CSS styles for ListView (div) | css | Custom CSS to place on the section (div) generated. To apply a CSS class - prefix it with 'class:' |
confiform-card | Macro to visualize your stored data as vertical table (card), with instant search, filtering and data sorting/ordering ConfiForms Form name | formName | Name of the ConfiForm form TableView should use |
Page name where the form is defined | pageTitle | Leave blank if the form is defined on the same page |
Filter to apply on entries dataset | filter | See detailed documentation below and/or in the tutorials |
Ordering/Sorting rules to apply on entries dataset | sort | See detailed documentation below and/or in the tutorials |
Enable instant search field over the table data | enableSearch | Adds search input to the table to enable quick search/filter on stored data |
Enable export | export | Provides a way to download forms content in CSV, XML and JSON formats. Admin users could always export ConfiForms data via the admin UI. For non-admin users, form's owner should enable support for data export via 'Allow data export' on ConfiForms form macro |
Pagination | pager | Showing records in sets (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 per page). If not configured then all stored records are shown |
If set when the resulting page will be wrapped into a scrollable container | wrapped | Parameter to wrap tables in scrollable divs, useful for showing big datasets |
CSS styles for TableView (table) | css | Custom CSS to place on the table generated. To apply a CSS class - prefix it with 'class:' |
confiform-field | Macro to define a field to show within ConfiForms TableView or ConfiForms ListView macros Field name | fieldName | Name of the field defined on the form referenced. In the macro preview mode you can see the field names registered within a form. Metadata fields (see above) are available always. |
Show value with defined label | withLabel | Label from ConfiForms field definition will be added as prefix before the field value |
Hide if field value is empty | hideIfEmpty | Useful, when you do not need to show the field when it does not have a value (in ListView/CardView) |
CSS styles | css | Valid CSS styles (example: color:red;border:1px). Styles will be applied on a stored value. |
confiform-ifttt | Macro to define the integration rules for ConfiForms Event | event | - onCreated - when new record is created
- onModified - when record is modified
- onDeleted - when record is deleted
Action to perform | action | - Send Email - Send email to the list of participants, defined below
- Create Page - Creates page based on a given template
- Make request - Performs an HTTP request (GET or POST, depending on a macro body).
- Send Notification - Send Confluence notification
Subject for email / title for page / url for request | title | Defines subject to use on emails, title to use for the page created, or url to be used as endpoint for HTTP request Allows parameters and substitutions - could be constructed dynamically. You can reference record owner as [owner]; record modifier, as [modifier]; any record field as [entry.FIELD_NAME] Complex fields (such as of type page/blogpost or user) are also supported. User | fullName - [entry.FIELD_NAME.fullName] username - [entry.FIELD_NAME.username] email - [] |
Page/BlogPost | title - [entry.FIELD_NAME.title] spaceKey - [entry.FIELD_NAME.spaceKey] id - [] version - [entry.FIELD_NAME.version] and other simple Page properties, which are available via getters |
When you need to reference fields to create email body / page template / data to send to another service, you will need to use ${} notation (see detailed example at Using IFTTT macro for integrations ) User | Current user is available under name "user" fullName - ${user.fullName} username - ${user.username} email - ${} |
Page/BlogPost | title - ${page.title} to reference current page or ${entry.FIELD_NAME.title} to reference page in form spaceKey - ${page.spaceKey} to reference current page or ${entry.FIELD_NAME.spaceKey} to reference page in form id - ${} to reference current page or ${} to reference page in form version - ${page.title} to reference current page or ${entry.FIELD_NAME.version} to reference page in form and other simple Page properties, which are available via getters |
Participants (Users who receive notification or etc) | who | List of users to receive the notification / list of users involved |
Fire IFTTT action only when this condition/filter is met | condition | If left empty then IFTTT action is always executed when event is occurred. Same syntax as in filters. The scope is one current ConfiForms entry |
confiform-table-merger | ConfiForms helper macro to merge TableView results Macro takes RICH TEXT as an input, and you need to define which fields (ConfiForms Field macros) to show and which tables to merge (ConfiForms TableView macros). There is a support for expressions to be used when aggregating your data. Learn more in TableView Merger examples Filter to apply on entries dataset | filter | See detailed documentation below and/or in the tutorials |
Ordering/Sorting rules to apply on entries dataset | sort | See detailed documentation below and/or in the tutorials |
Enable export | export | Provides a way to download forms content in CSV, XML and JSON formats. Admin users could always export ConfiForms data via the admin UI. For non-admin users, form's owner should enable support for data export via 'Allow data export' on ConfiForms form macro |
Pagination | pager | Showing records in sets (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 per page). If not configured then all stored records are shown |
Render a striped table | withHighlighting | Highlight every second row in a table |
For examples see documentation in Merge and aggregation for ConfiForms and for advanced techniques: Advanced aggregations in TableView Merger |
confiform-field-css | Macro to use when you want to show fields differently, based on their values Field value or expression to match | condition | You can use values or expressions, similar to filters. See tutorial below, on using filters |
Field name | fieldName | Name of the field this rule should be applied on, if left empty then rule is applied on the row |
CSS to apply when condition is met | css | Valid CSS styles, separated by semicolon (example: color:red;border:1px). Styles will be applied on a field (if given) or on a row when used within table (container div when used in ConfiForms List) if field name is not set |