Child pages
  • Using ConfiForms apply filter rules with Insight objects

This is the documentation for ConfiForms Server/Data Center app

However, this might also work for ConfiForms cloud and in most cases it does. But please see this page to understand the differences between server and cloud versions of the ConfiForms app.

This tutorial helps you to understand how to use Insight objects in ConfiForms, how to access the data these objects have and how to make a dependent fields (where the choice in one field results in the reduced umber of options available in another field)

Imagine we have the following structure in Jira Insight database for our assets

We have hosts and connected devices, where connected devices belong to a certain host and we want to have a form in ConfiForms which will list us all the hosts and devices and will make the list of devices dependent on the selection made in hosts field. 

This is totally possible with ConfiForms app for Confluence. 

And here is how it can be done.

We use "Insight objects dropdown" field in ConfiForms

And setup the fields to show the objects of a "hosts" and "devices" types

This is done by setting up a proper type ID in the "Insight Object Type ID" parameter

Object type id you can see inside Insight in Jira

You can see it's id in the detailed view

To make the fields dependent you need to understand how they are linked in Insight

You need to see the attributes and it's ID's, as we will need to make our filtering based on correct attribute

And looking at how "Devices" are linked to "Hosts"

Take a note that the attribute we are interested in has and ID = 79. We will need this later.

Now we need to check how the REST API call looks like for the particular device to see how the data looks like. As integration between ConfiForms and Riada's Insight is done through the REST APIs (

We will call the following REST API service


to load the structure for our device (which has ID = 3).

Unfortunately the JSON structure returned by Riada's Insight is not very user friendly, but contains the data we need and can be understood by ConfiForms, which is great.

 "id": 3,
 "label": "device 1",
 "objectKey": "ITS-3",
 "avatar": {
  "url16": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/3/icon.png?size=16&uuid=6341487f-46d1-4df5-b049-91a50eeac778",
  "url48": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/3/icon.png?size=48&uuid=6341487f-46d1-4df5-b049-91a50eeac778",
  "url72": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/3/icon.png?size=72&uuid=6341487f-46d1-4df5-b049-91a50eeac778",
  "url144": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/3/icon.png?size=144&uuid=6341487f-46d1-4df5-b049-91a50eeac778",
  "url288": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/3/icon.png?size=288&uuid=6341487f-46d1-4df5-b049-91a50eeac778",
  "objectId": 3
 "objectType": {
  "id": 3,
  "name": "Connected Device",
  "type": 0,
  "description": "",
  "icon": {
   "id": 149,
   "name": "Connected Device",
   "url16": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/3/icon.png?size=16&inherited=false&abstract=false&time=1572434653742",
   "url48": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/3/icon.png?size=48&inherited=false&abstract=false&time=1572434653742"
  "position": 0,
  "created": "30/Oct/19 1:24 PM",
  "updated": "30/Oct/19 1:24 PM",
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  "parentObjectTypeInherited": false
 "created": "30/Oct/19 1:37 PM",
 "updated": "30/Oct/19 1:37 PM",
 "hasAvatar": false,
 "timestamp": 1572435421712,
 "attributes": [
   "id": 14,
   "objectTypeAttribute": {
    "id": 9,
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     "id": 0,
     "name": "Text"
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    "options": "",
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   "objectTypeAttributeId": 9,
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     "value": "ITS-3",
     "displayValue": "ITS-3"
   "objectId": 3,
   "position": 0
   "id": 17,
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    "id": 10,
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    "options": "",
    "position": 1
   "objectTypeAttributeId": 10,
   "objectAttributeValues": [
     "value": "device 1",
     "displayValue": "device 1"
   "objectId": 3,
   "position": 1
   "id": 15,
   "objectTypeAttribute": {
    "id": 11,
    "name": "Created",
    "label": false,
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    "defaultType": {
     "id": 6,
     "name": "DateTime"
    "editable": false,
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    "sortable": true,
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    "options": "",
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   "objectTypeAttributeId": 11,
   "objectAttributeValues": [
     "value": "30/Oct/19 1:37 PM",
     "displayValue": "30/Oct/19 1:37 PM"
   "objectId": 3,
   "position": 2
   "id": 16,
   "objectTypeAttribute": {
    "id": 12,
    "name": "Updated",
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   "objectTypeAttributeId": 12,
   "objectAttributeValues": [
     "value": "30/Oct/19 1:37 PM",
     "displayValue": "30/Oct/19 1:37 PM"
   "objectId": 3,
   "position": 3
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    "id": 77,
    "name": "Device ID",
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    "id": 79,
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    "label": false,
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     "id": 11,
     "name": "Installed",
     "color": "C79D94",
     "url16": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/plugins/servlet/com.riadalabs.jira.plugins.insight/referencetype.png?id=11&size=16",
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     "objectSchemaId": 1
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     "name": "Host",
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     "description": "",
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      "id": 153,
      "name": "Host",
      "url16": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=16&inherited=false&abstract=false&time=1572434653734",
      "url48": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=48&inherited=false&abstract=false&time=1572434653734"
     "position": 0,
     "created": "30/Oct/19 1:24 PM",
     "updated": "30/Oct/19 1:24 PM",
     "objectCount": 0,
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    "position": 6
   "objectTypeAttributeId": 79,
   "objectAttributeValues": [
     "referencedObject": {
      "id": 2,
      "label": "another host",
      "objectKey": "ITS-2",
      "avatar": {
       "url16": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=16&uuid=6a49b7fe-b69d-4e2a-a74a-d23cf3e84eb7",
       "url48": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=48&uuid=6a49b7fe-b69d-4e2a-a74a-d23cf3e84eb7",
       "url72": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=72&uuid=6a49b7fe-b69d-4e2a-a74a-d23cf3e84eb7",
       "url144": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=144&uuid=6a49b7fe-b69d-4e2a-a74a-d23cf3e84eb7",
       "url288": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=288&uuid=6a49b7fe-b69d-4e2a-a74a-d23cf3e84eb7",
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       "type": 0,
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       "icon": {
        "id": 153,
        "name": "Host",
        "url16": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=16&inherited=false&abstract=false&time=1572434653734",
        "url48": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=48&inherited=false&abstract=false&time=1572434653734"
       "position": 0,
       "created": "30/Oct/19 1:24 PM",
       "updated": "30/Oct/19 1:24 PM",
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      "created": "30/Oct/19 1:36 PM",
      "updated": "30/Oct/19 1:36 PM",
      "hasAvatar": false,
      "timestamp": 1572435390277,
      "_links": {
       "self": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/secure/ShowObject.jspa?id=2"
      "name": "another host"
     "displayValue": "another host"
   "objectId": 3,
   "position": 6
   "objectTypeAttribute": {
    "id": 80,
    "name": "Object Hash",
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 "extendedInfo": {
  "openIssuesExists": false,
  "attachmentsExists": false
 "_links": {
  "self": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/secure/ShowObject.jspa?id=3"
 "name": "device 1"

This is important bits that we need to get from the example JSON

We need to look at attribute with ID 79 and check how the objects are linked, which attribute is responsible and how the data is stored

 "objectTypeAttributeId": 79,
   "objectAttributeValues": [
     "referencedObject": {
      "id": 2,
      "label": "another host",
      "objectKey": "ITS-2",
      "avatar": {
       "url16": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=16&uuid=6a49b7fe-b69d-4e2a-a74a-d23cf3e84eb7",
       "url48": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=48&uuid=6a49b7fe-b69d-4e2a-a74a-d23cf3e84eb7",
       "url72": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=72&uuid=6a49b7fe-b69d-4e2a-a74a-d23cf3e84eb7",
       "url144": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=144&uuid=6a49b7fe-b69d-4e2a-a74a-d23cf3e84eb7",
       "url288": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=288&uuid=6a49b7fe-b69d-4e2a-a74a-d23cf3e84eb7",
       "objectId": 2
      "objectType": {
       "id": 2,
       "name": "Host",
       "type": 0,
       "description": "",
       "icon": {
        "id": 153,
        "name": "Host",
        "url16": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=16&inherited=false&abstract=false&time=1572434653734",
        "url48": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/2/icon.png?size=48&inherited=false&abstract=false&time=1572434653734"
       "position": 0,
       "created": "30/Oct/19 1:24 PM",
       "updated": "30/Oct/19 1:24 PM",
       "objectCount": 0,
       "parentObjectTypeId": 1,
       "objectSchemaId": 1,
       "inherited": false,
       "abstractObjectType": false,
       "parentObjectTypeInherited": false
      "created": "30/Oct/19 1:36 PM",
      "updated": "30/Oct/19 1:36 PM",
      "hasAvatar": false,
      "timestamp": 1572435390277,
      "_links": {
       "self": "http://vertuna-dev:2990/jira/secure/ShowObject.jspa?id=2"
      "name": "another host"
     "displayValue": "another host"

This will tell us the the link is stored in the "referencedObject" node, under "id" attribute and this will help us to make a correct expression for the filtering in our ConfiForms Rules for Field Definition macro configuration

Where actual expression for the filter looks like this:


Which reads as - filter "devices" by referencedObject's id property whcih is available under attribute number 79 and check it against the current selection in the "hosts" field

Now you have a fully working example of a ConfiForms form that has 2 dependent Insight fields.

Full code for the form is here:

<p class="auto-cursor-target">
</p><ac:structured-macro ac:name="confiform" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="2a72b451-7d52-4802-83c0-320f7017dc38">
<ac:parameter ac:name="formName">myform1</ac:parameter>
  <p class="auto-cursor-target">
  <ac:structured-macro ac:name="confiform-entry-register" ac:schema-version="1"
    <ac:parameter ac:name="atlassian-macro-output-type">INLINE</ac:parameter>
  <p class="auto-cursor-target">
    <ac:structured-macro ac:name="confiform-field-definition" ac:schema-version="1"
      <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">hosts</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldLabel">Hosts</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="values">2</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="type">insightselect</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="separator">true</ac:parameter>
    <ac:structured-macro ac:name="confiform-field-definition" ac:schema-version="1"
      <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">devices</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldLabel">Devices</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="values">3</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="type">insightselect</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="separator">true</ac:parameter>
    <ac:structured-macro ac:name="confiform-field-definition-rules" ac:schema-version="1"
      <ac:parameter ac:name="condition">!hosts:[empty]</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">devices</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="values">
      <ac:parameter ac:name="action">Apply Filter on a field</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="actionFieldName">hosts</ac:parameter>

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