This is the documentation for ConfiForms CLOUD app
ConfiForms app on Atlassian marketplace
ConfiForms has a lot of various field types to help you with building your data forms. And it has a very sophisticated system to retrieve the values stored, including accessing rich objects such as Page, User and other referenced Records when used together with "smart fields" Accessing values using Velocity syntax is deprecated since ConfiForms 1.16 and not supported in 100% of cases. Please try to accomplish what you have to do using [entry.] notation If you are upgrading from 1.30 and you have configurations using "virtual functions" which collect the data from multi-select fields then please be aware, that the standard behaviour has chnaged to return ID's, and NOT labels of the fields If you need to have labels then a transform operation is needed. See "transform" function in Virtual functions for details But, basically, you will need to call on your multiselect field something like this (for example, and assuming your multiselect field is called "mymultiselectfield"): Before 1.30 was returning field labels, now (without a transformation) it returns ID's Accessing rich properties is also supported in ConfiForms Field macros. Giving myfield.subproperty as a field name is totally valid and supported. For smart fields this can be of any level deep, but please keep in mind the performance issues this might cause (as values are lazy loaded for each sub-field for "smart" fields). Make sure the [entry.myfield] is actually stored the way you see it, as sometimes Confluence editor injects some "invisible to user" blocks of HTML, such as spans... and the text becomes actually something like [entry.<span>myfield</span>] which makes it not to work correctly with ConfiForms parser. The easiest way to see that text is clean is by looking at storage format of the page (using Tools menu and then clicking on "View Storage format" or by installing a free add-on from Atlassian which enables you to see raw storage format directly in the Confluence editor - Please also see this:[entry.field_name]notations See what fields are available on ConfiForms CLOUD - Differences between ConfiForms server/data center and ConfiForms cloud CLOUD users Please see the fields list that is available on ConfiForms cloud if you are looking for the documentation on accessing field properties in ConfiForms cloud Differences between ConfiForms server/data center and ConfiForms cloud Here is the table showing you how to reference field values for different field types. Our field name is: "myfield" myfield:*test myfield:test* myfield:*test* myfield:* myfield myfield.label [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.label] myfield:true myfield:false Returns true or false By using .label you can access checkbox field label you set myfield myfield.label [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.label] Comment SINCE 2.13.9 mycommentfield.user mycommentfield.timestamp mycommentfield.content Important! A multi-value field Which means to access any property you will need to transform it first mycommentfield.transform(user).asList - will give you a list of usernames for users who added a comment mycommentfield.transform(content).asList - will get you a comma separated list of comments myfield myfield.timestamp [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.timestamp] timestamp value Date and Datetime field types allow the following metaparams to be given as input [now], [tomorrow], [yesterday], [today], [today]-days(n), [datetimeyyyyMMdd HH:mm], [dateyyyyMMdd] Basically, same as in ConfiForms Filters myfield myfield.timestamp [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.timestamp] timestamp value See above Datetime interval myfield myfield.startDateFormatted myfield.endDateFormatted myfield.startDate myfield.endDate myfield.startDate.timestamp myfield.endDate.timestamp myfield.asPeriodFormatted myfield.interval - returns interval in minutes between start and end dates SINCE 2.28.0 CLOUD myfield.periodInSeconds myfield.periodInMinutes myfield.periodInHours myfield.periodInDays myfield.periodInWorkDays [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.startDateFormatted] [entry.myfield.endDateFormatted] [entry.myfield.startDate] [entry.myfield.endDate] [entry.myfield.startDate.timestamp] [entry.myfield.endDate.timestamp] [entry.myfield.asPeriodFormatted] [entry.myfield.interval] SINCE 2.28.0 CLOUD [entry.myfield.periodInSeconds] [entry.myfield.periodInMinutes] [entry.myfield.periodInHours] [entry.myfield.periodInDays] [entry.myfield.periodInWorkDays] myfield.endDate: conditions as in numeric field myfield myfield.label myfield myfield.label [entry.myfield] [] [entry.myfield.label] myfield:ID myfield.label:LABEL Each dropdown choice has ID and LABEL [entry.myfield] returns ID myfield myfield.label [entry.myfield] [] [entry.myfield.label] Each dropdown choice has ID and LABEL [entry.myfield] returns ID myfield myfield.label [entry.myfield] [] [entry.myfield.label] Each choice has ID and LABEL [entry.myfield] returns ID myfield myfield.attributes.objectTypeAttribute(objectTypeAttributeId=46).objectAttributeValues.value [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.attributes.objectTypeAttribute(objectTypeAttributeId=46).objectAttributeValues.value] See more details here: Accessing JSON structures. The tutorial is for ConfiDoc plugin but is perfectly validfor ConfiForms (easpecially from teh perspective of accessing the Insight object attributes) myfield:>= myfield:> myfield:<= myfield:< myfield: myfield myfield.key myfield.title myfield.summary (same as title) myfield.description myfield.status V 1.35.5 Any JIRA field which is provided via JIRA REST API For example: myfield.fields.assignee.emailAddress myfield.fields.reporter.displayName See also: Using Field Definition Rule to request data from JIRA and set it to ConfiForms fields 3.10.0 CLOUD myfield.exists - returns true or false to verify if the value stored in this field corresponds to Jira issue [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.key] [entry.myfield.title] [entry.myfield.summary] (same as title) [entry.myfield.description] [] [entry.myfield.status] myfield myfield.jql myfield.count [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.jql] [entry.myfield.count] Renders as link to JIRA with number of matching issues 2 additional properties available: jql and count Depends on a fiel type in Jira Single choice select Multi-select field Cascading field myfield myfield.* - see remarks [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.*] - see remarks AbstractPage class (see Confluence API docs). For cloud see Examples: getTitle() getSpaceKey() myfield Other properties see (getters) See notes for the "Page/Blog post" object on how to translate "getters" to field names / properties [entry.myfield] [] [entry.myfield.key] [entry.myfield.spaceType] myfield myfield.label [entry.myfield] [] [entry.myfield.label] myfield:ID myfield.label:LABEL Each choice has ID and LABEL [entry.myfield] returns ID myfield myfield.* - see remarks [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.*] - see remarks Depends on a field referenced. If [entry.myfield] or just "myfield" is referenced then in most cases it acts as text. But with "smart fields" you reference a record in another form and that means through this reference you can get ANY field of that record, including other smart fields. That said, you can build quite a property graph to get any value, which is lazy loaded for you Properties you can access totally depend on a structure of the record in the form you reference. You can access ANY field value through this notation, including other smart fields which will be lazy loaded for you. Example: myfield myfield.* - see remarks [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.*] - see remarks myfield myfield.* - see remarks [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.*] - see remarks myfield myfield.* - see remarks [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.*] - see remarks myfield myfield.* - see remarks [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.*] - see remarks myfield myfield.label [entry.myfield] [] [entry.myfield.label] Same as dropdown field, with IDs and LABELs. But has predefined values for IDs (depending on a colour) myfield myfield.username myfield.fullName myfield.picture myfield.lastName myfield.firstName myfield.key FROM 2.12.5 myfield.accountId CLOUD myfield.exists (true or false) - to check if this value can be resolved to active user object [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.username] [entry.myfield.fullName] [entry.myfield.picture] [] [entry.myfield.lastName] [entry.myfield.firstName] same as text type, but you can query for field properties: myfield: myfield.username: myfield.fullName: myfield.picture: myfield.lastName: myfield.firstName: sorting is by username field lastName and firstName are synthetic properties, which we try to extract from a given fullName. We consider las word as lastName and what is given before is taken as firstName. This solution does not work for the whole world, but this is the best option we can offer you at the moment myfield Virtual functions to transform an array of User objects. Each User object in the User multi-select field has the same properties as the normal User object (see above) [entry.myfield] [entry.myfield.asUserFullNames] [entry.myfield.asUserEmails] * - see remarks You can show user full names in a list, or emails or (when no helper function is used) as list of usernames As with "JIRA issue" fields you can access ANY property returned by the web service for the option you map with the field. For example: You can map the structures of an array to be used as options for the web services backed fields in ConfiForms Assuming your field is called "myfield" then to access the properties you will need to put the following expressions There is also a synthetic property called "label" for the field what you use as "label" in your web services backed field Important note: when your web service returns a structure with ID and you map another field to be used as ID then original data will not be accessible, as mapping overrides it. Accessing through [entry.] notation can be used in ListView, in PlainView, in CalendarView and in IFTTT macro body, as well as when referencing ConfiForms record fields in macro parameters See also Virtual functions to help you with formatting values in the format you want Accessing values using Velocity syntax is deprecated and not supported in 100% of cases. Please try to accomplish what you have to do using [entry.] notation Deprecated, use [entry._user] Deprecated, use [entry._user] Current timestamp as expression. NB! Not evaluated to the value when in pre-sets and stays as [now] which results ALWAYS in current date. Use [entry._now] for the value Only on server/dc version Current timestamp as expression. Does not get evaluated to actual timestamp, but shows "current time" when set on the field Use [entry._today] instead or [entry._now] Deprecated, use [entry._user.username] Deprecated, use [entry._user.fullName] Deprecated, use [] current timestamp, which can be converted to date using Virtual functions or used for comparison against other date/datetime fields On cloud this returns timestamp in user's TZ current timestamp (for date, without time) On cloud this returns value for today in user's TZ Name of the form is now available in the context SINCE 2.2.0 When used with ConfiForms TableViewMerger macro you have access to the following variables When ConfiForms IFTTT macro is processed it does temporarily make these variable accessible Available in SINCE 2.21.0 and CLOUD See also Configuring ConfiForms IFTTT actions and rules Important note about IFTTT macros with macro bodies which are evaluated as velocity templates - there is additional context variables available Standard set of objects inside the context (Velocity templates) which you can referece as any other variable in Velocity using velocity syntax, for example: ${} to reference page id of current pagemymultiselectfield.transform(label).asArrayMultiSelect
Accessing ConfiForms fields
Field type Accessing in ConfiForms Field macro Accessing though [entry.] notation Using in filters Sorting Remarks Text myfield [entry.myfield] as text Action Button myfield N/A N/A N/A N/A Autolink myfield [entry.myfield] same as text field as text only dynamic part is taken when shown as [entry.] notation Autonumber myfield [entry.myfield] same as text field as text autonumber with previx Autopage myfield See page type See page type See page type See page type Calculated myfield [entry.myfield] Same as numeric field as number non-numeric values are set as 0 in sorting Captcha myfield N/A N/A N/A N/A Checkbox Checkbox group myfield:*fieldvalue* to ensure it is matched as text Currency myfield [entry.myfield] Same as numeric field as number Date Same as numeric field as number Datetime Same as numeric field as number myfield.startDate: as number by start date timestamp value DB dropdown see remarks -> Same as normal dropdown DB multi-select myfield see remarks -> Same as normal multi-select DB radio group myfield see remarks -> Same as normal radio group DB checkbox myfield see remarks -> Same as normal checkbox Drawing canvas myfield N/A N/A N/A internal format is returned Dropdown as text Dynamic Dropdown myfield:*fieldvalue* to ensure it is matched as text Dynamic Multilabel myfield:*fieldvalue* to ensure it is matched as text Enroll button myfield N/A N/A N/A File myfield [entry.myfield] - will show as link same as text, see remarks as text only attachment/file name is in search Formula myfield [entry.myfield] same as numeric field as number non-numeric values are set as 0 in sorting Html myfield [entry.myfield] same as text type as text Insight Link myfield [entry.myfield] same as text type as text Hidden myfield [entry.myfield] same as text type as text Masked Text myfield [entry.myfield] same as text type as text Multi Select myfield [entry.myfield] same as dropdown (ID and LABEL properties) as text Numeric field myfield [entry.myfield] as number JIRA issue same as text type and only by key as text JQL Jira Select Field Field in Jira Accessing in ConfiForms Field Accessing raw values in IFTTTs/PlainViews/Calculations/Mappings myfield
myfield.empty - to check if the field is empty (returns true (if has no value) or false)
Page/Blog post same as text, for properties list see remarks as text, by default pageId all properties of method in class How to access myfield.title myfield.spaceKey getCreatorName() myfield.creatorName getVersion() myfield.version getCreationDate() myfield.creationDate ... any other get method from Page class Space Password myfield [entry.myfield] same as text type as text Radio group as text Readonly myfield [entry.myfield] same as text type as text Section myfield N/A N/A N/A Simple Date myfield [entry.myfield] Same as numeric field as number timestamp value Smart Classifier depends on a field referenced [entry.myfield.field_in_another_form]
Smart Dropdown See Smart Classifier depends on a field referenced See Smart Classifier Smart Multiselect See Smart Classifier depends on a field referenced See Smart Classifier Smart Checkbox See Smart Classifier depends on a field referenced See Smart Classifier Smart Radio buttons See Smart Classifier depends on a field referenced See Smart Classifier Status as text See remarks for dropdown field Textarea myfield [entry.myfield] same as text type as text User as text, see remarks User (multiselect) Same as User as text Voting control myfield N/A N/A N/A N/A Webservice backed fields [
id: 1,
name: "Alex",
sn: "E123"
id: 2,
name: "Vlad",
sn: "C100"
WYSIWYG simple editor myfield [entry.myfield] same as text type as text Additional values available in the context
Accessing value Variable name [owner] current record owner (ownedBy field) or Anonymous (when user is "Anonymous") [modifier][user]current record modifier (User's full name) [now] [today]Deprecated []current user's username [user.fullName]current user's full name []current user's email [entry._user] _user current user object (can access email, name, and fullname, see accessing properties for user fields) User field [entry._now] _now Datetime [entry._page] _page current page id (present in most cases, but not always) Page [entry._storagePage] _storagePage form's page id Page [entry._today] _today Date [entry._count] _count number of records in the dataset Numeric [entry._total] _total total number of records in the dataset Numeric [entry._formName] _formName String Type _sourcePage Name of the page the form is located Page _sourceForm Name of the form where this data row is taken from Text Type _iftttBody IFTTT macro body Text _iftttBodyPrepared Processed/Prepared IFTTT macro body Text context.put("entry", entry); <- ConfiForms Entry (raw)
context.put("user", user); <- Confluence user object
context.put("page", contentObject); <- AbstractPage objectFrom ConfiForms version 1.49.3 there are additional objects in the context:
context.put("generalUtil", newcom.atlassian.confluence.util.GeneralUtil());
context.put("res", ServletActionContext.getResponse());
context.put("req", ServletActionContext.getRequest());
context.put("action", com.atlassian.confluence.renderer.radeox.macros.MacroUtils.getConfluenceActionSupport());