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Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Version 3.4.4 - dev

  • ConfiForms Edit Controls macro now follows the ordering given in the TableViewMerger when rendering fields and controls
  • Added capability to define headers for exports in views
  • Fixed issue with initialization of fields that have defined custom CSS + fix for a possible XSS issue when applying the defined CSS
  • Fixed compatibility issue with Comala Documents plugin and ConfiForms when using custom layouts for Edit Controls / EntryViewer macros in ConfiForms views

Version 3.4.3

  • Fixed issue with Configuring ConfiForms IFTTT actions and rules#CopyConfiFormsData not returning "last copied" object's data 
  • Tuned parameters for async renderer to render more rows/entries per thread
  • Improved context logging when ConfiForms is set to log in DEBUG for troubleshooting
  • Fixed issue with incorrect IFTTT indexes calculation for results that involve IFTTTs that update or create entries (create sequence, update by filter, copy data and create entry IFTTT rules). Please dont rely on internal IFTTT results indexes, and consider setting own names for IFTTT results for easier access
