Updates existing ConfiForms entry in the form (via {id} parameter)
Same as for create method, but with given UUID for the entry to perform an update
skipIFTTTExecute - true/false, to skip IFTTT executions (if there are any that should be executed onModified event, you can switch them off)
_skipIfParamIsEmpty - true/false (false by default). Setting this parameter with value "true" to your request helps to bypass setting all the fields - useful when you have field definitions with validations and you dont want to set / reset those with your REST API call (and want ConfiForms to lookup existing values)
since 3.5.0
_debug - could give you statistics on IFTTTs being executed and the invocation log
lazy - true/false, let's you request form definition with or without values for external fields (smart fields, db fields, web-services backed fields). Default is false, meaning that the options (values) are NOT loaded
_debug - true/false, allows you top get statistics on field initialization times to understand what are the slowest and problematic
Get ConfiForms Entry by ID
Returns ConfiForms entry data in JSON format by given ID (UUID) in a given form
ConfiTemplates Smart Excerpt
flatten - true/false - you can flatten multi-value fields (This will result in MULTIPLE rows returned!)
fields - used to decorate the returned values withVirtual functions. Use "," to separate field decoration instructions.
limitFields - comma separated list of field names to return in the response (helps to reduce the amount of data travelling between your service and ConfiForms). Please be aware that "metadata" fields are always returned - see
append - you can set this as "true", in your query parameters which instructs the parameter "fields" to add the transformed (decorated) fields into the record. This allows you to have multiple representations of the field in the output
Searches for ConfiForms entries in a form, based on the given filter/query (ConfiForms Filters). When filter is not specified all the entries are returned
Filtering expression can be specified as "query" parameter as well
query - you can either use "{filter}" part of the url to specify the filtering expression or pass it via query request parameter (see an example on the top of the page)
limit - to limit the number of records returned (number)
Updates specific field with a given value in the form, by filter (ConfiForms Filters). When filter is not specified the update is executed on all the entries
skipIFTTTExecute - true/false, to skip IFTTT executions (if there are any that should be executed onModified event, you can switch them off)
fv - abbreviation for "field-value" and is expected to have the following structure: fv=myfield:somevalue. Which will be translated to - update ConfiForms records, and the "myfield" in particular with "somevalue"
version 3.7.6
query - you can either use "{filter}" part of the url to specify the filtering expression or pass it via query request parameter (see an example on the top of the page)
Provides information on current ConfiForms installation
(user must be authenticated to access this resource)
Code Block
"licenseType": "Commercial license. Max users: 5000....",
"pluginVersion": "3.11.1",
"pluginInstalled": "Sat Jun 08 11:19:58 EEST 2024",
"memoryUsage": "1.4 GB",
"confluenceLicenseType": "(users count: 5000), license type <DEVELOPER>",
"pluginName": "ConfiForms, forms and workflows app for Confluence by Vertuna LLC",
"memoryAvailable": "4 GB",
"javaVersion": "",
"pluginDescription": "ConfiForms app helps you to create custom data entry forms for your business needs, in Confluence. The possibilities for creating powerfully effective data entry forms are endless! Voting, enrollment, inventory, surveys, bulletin boards, employee checklists, and other type of forms that are easy to create and manage",
"debugLogEnabled": false