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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • New function to help with customization of the output for multi-value holding fields - iterateAndPrint. See more on Virtual functions
  • Added configuration option to hide the key when showing options for Insight objects
  • Added global setting to "disable" the option to "Allow data reads even if a user does not have read access on the page". This allows you to ensure that the forms follow Confluence permissions model very strictly, with no exceptions
  • Comments field now reports errors in a more user friendly way (if any)
  • Fixed content type to JSON when REST API to save/update entry is used REST API#Createentry
  • Fixed bug with "Reset value" rule when applied to Datetime interval field

Version 2.13.9

  • Fixed issue with dynamic dropdown field lookups (this includes text fields when used in a ConfiForms Filter Control macro)
  • Fixed issue with multi-select fields that return IDs when used through the smart fields or have been updated through the "asList" functions (IFTTT updates)
  • Fixed small UI bug with setting up the "date" field type in user's timezone (an option remained unchecked when edited again)
  • Improved Import API support for CSV files having the quotes around values having commas
  • Support for Velocity templating in PlainView macro (if is enabled by your Confluence administrators)
