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Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Version 2.22.1 (dev)

  • Complete rework of how smart multi-row fields and parameters they produce are handled
  • Fixed regression issue with checkbox group not resetting the value after edit (when all options are unset)
  • Bug with multi-row field having a checkbox group field
  • Fixed bug with loosing record ID in multi-row fields on updates

Version 2.22

  • Fixed issues with possible broken page layout when rendering multi-row fields or using queryAndRender function (Virtual functions)
  • Fixed issues with custom layouts not found (viewers/edit controls) on Confluence versions 7.13+
  • Improved multi-row fields to initialize correctly fields that need initialization
  • Fixed issue with checkbox field in multi-row fields not saving "checked" state
  • Fixed initialization of date/date time fields when used through multi-row field
  • Fixed issues with saving data from multiple multi-rows at once
  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms IFTTT that update record which has multi-row field(s) defined
  • CalendarView uses own CSS styles (old css styles, but prefixed with cf to avoid possible conflicts with other plugins using full calendar)
