Version 3.16.1
- Fixed issues with Confluence 9.x and rendering of barcodes, QR codes and captcha for anonymous users
- Support for @self and for @parent when referencing pages in smart and dynamic fields configurations
- "Divide" virtual function now respects the scale of a value that is used as a divisor when rounding
- Dynamic dropdown and dynamic multi-label offer choices immediately and dont require for users to start typing
- Whitelisted methods of a ConfiForms record (RegEntry class) to be able to use with Confluence 9.x with Velocity templates
- ConfiForms action to Delete a Page (https://wiki.vertuna.com/display/CONFIFORMS/Configuring+ConfiForms+IFTTT+actions+and+rules#ConfiguringConfiFormsIFTTTactionsandrules-DeletePage) now supports an option to delete a page with descendants (full hierarchy)
Version 3.16
- Fixed issue with a Link field compatibility with Confluence 9.1+
- Fixed issue with REST API module not enabling on certain versions of Confluence (8.8.x in particular)
- Fixed content type for exports in excel format
- Fixed issue with custom layouts not being correctly used for Edit Controls when they are configured with dynamically resolved properties ([entry.field_name] notations)
Version 3.15.10
- Fixed issue with an enabled parallel filtering and free text search on forms that have smart fields
- Fixed issue with forms having smart fields and "apply filter on fields" rules and preset values
- REST API uses cached results if available to speed things up and reduce impact on the database
Version 3.15.9
- Repackaged to support Confluence 7 and 8