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ConfiForms FormDefineMain macro to define the form and it's rules
ConfiForms Field DefinitionDefineMacro to use inside the ConfiForms Form macro to define form fields, their types and behavior, restrictions and permissions
ConfiForms Field DefinitionDefineMacro to use when you need to define conditional fields and relations between fields (ConfiForms Field Definitions)
ConfiForms Registration ControlDefine ViewMacro to define form's registration behavior. Each form should have at least one 'Registration Control'. It can be placed inside the ConfiForms form or outside. Form could have any number of registration controls. You can configure your form to be embedded on Confluence page or to be rendered as a modal dialog
ConfiForms Edit ControlsDefine ViewMacro defines Edit controls behavior for ConfiForms ListView and ConfiForms TableView. When you want enable editing of your data stored then place this macro inside ConfiForms ListView or ConfiForms TableView macros
ConfiForms TableViewViewMacro to visualize your stored data as table, with instant search, filtering and data sorting/ordering. Add 'ConfiForms Field' macros inside to define what should be shown
ConfiForms ListViewViewMacro to visualize your stored data in WYSIWYG view (also supports filtering and data sorting/ordering). Add 'ConfiForms Field' macros inside to define what should be shown
ConfiForms CardViewViewMacro to visualize your stored data as vertical table (card), with instant search, filtering and data sorting/ordering. Add 'ConfiForms Field' macros inside to define what should be shown
ConfiForms FieldViewMacro to define a field to show within ConfiForms TableView or ConfiForms ListView macros
ConfiForms IFTTTDefineMacro to define the integration rules for ConfiForms. Send email notifications when a record is created, changed or modified. Send notifications to other systems via HTTP, or just create new pages from defined templates with data from your forms
ConfiForms TableView MergerViewMacro to aggregate and merge datasets from different ConfiForms forms (or just from one form). Calculate averages, totals, other math operations on your data. The output of this macro is fully compatible with Chart macro and could be used together to create beautiful charts
CSS Rules for ConfiForms FieldsViewHelper macro to support applying of conditional CSS for ConfiForms Fields based on their values
