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Versions Compared


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Where ConfiForms stores data?

Version 2.xConfiForms stores data in your database in a table "AO_CEFA84_CONFI_FORMS_ENTITY", one record per row. There are no limits on the dataset size per form. And the size of the record is limited by the number of characters your database can hold in a CLOB type field (ConfiForms limit is 2,147,483,647 bytes per record).
Version 1.x

ConfiForms stores data in page metadata table called OS_PROPERTYENTRY. Internally the data is stored as XML. As the data is stored as page metadata it becomes a part of Confluence standard backup and restrore procedure. But this also introduces the limits - we are able store (within one form) as much as the "text_val" field in "OS_PROPERTYENTRY" table can accomodate. You can have multiple ConfiForms, this limit is per form. For example, when Confluence uses MySQL database then this field type is MEDIUMTEXT which has a limit of 16MBs (which you can easily ALTER to be of a larger size). 

What is storage format?

When we ask you to provide us with a storage format for your page configuration - here is what we mean.

It allows us to import the contents directly to our test server and see exactly the configuration you have, and to help you with troubleshooting the issues you might have, a lot faster.


Records #Fields #Data sizeForm renderedData loadedEdit entry dialogAdmin UI all records (TableView rendering)Rendered size (of HTML for admin UI)All records filtered by one field, no edit controlsAll records with sorting (3 fields) with Edit controlsAll records,   no sorting, no Edit controlsPaged view, 50 records per page sorted, and with edit controlsPaged view, 50 records per page sorted, and no edit controls
Version 2.x1564172.5MB81 ms307 ms230 ms10 sec

11.912.913 bytes!

0.893 s5.8 sec8.9 sec

Version 1.x1564172.5MB0.15 sec
4 sec32 sec 12 sec300 kb
6 sec50 sec8.5 sec0.9 sec0.6 sec

This tests were executed on a very low-end machine, with 2GB of RAM total, shared VM on SSD, having the PostgreSQL database on the same machine, 1 core, Linux CentOS 7
Updated results for AdminUI loading of 1564 records: ConfiForms version 1.26.2+ (optimizations of edit controls rendering)

Please note that the numbers shown above are not reference numbers but just a snapshot of how ConfiForms performs on a very low level hardware. Please also note that the tables it renders are very huge in size and in normal life you will not output something like 1500 records to your users on a page just for fun...

I have a feature request - what shall I do?
