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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


[empty]To match empty values for particular field. Example: field1:[empty] - will match records where field1 is empty (does not have a value, but the form defines this field)
[now]Current time and date, useful with '<' and '>' for comparing with dates stored. Example: someDateField:<[now] - will match records where field 'someDateField' has value which is in the past compared to now (current time)
[today]Same as [now], but without time
[tomorrow]To compare against tomorrow's date. Also something like [today]+1 could be used instead
[yesterday]To compare against yesterday's date. Also something like [today]-1 could be used instead
[dateyyyyMMdd]To compare against given date in the format: yyyyMMdd, example: [date20150131date20150130] to give a date as Jan 30 2015
[datetimeyyyyMMdd hh:mm]To compare against given date with time in the format: yyyyMMdd hh:mm, example: [date20151231 12:13] to give a date as Dec 31 2015 12:13
'<' and '>' (and '<=' and '>=')Can be used together with date and datetime fields, as well as to compare values for numeric fields stored
!To reverse the filter condition. Example: !field1:[empty] - will find records that have 'field1' field filled


  • field1:[today]-5 - assuming field1 is of type date (or datetime) this filter will return records where field1 value is not older than 5 days from now
  • field1:[today]+10 - assuming field1 is of type date (or datetime) this filter will return records where field1 value is not after 10 days from now


Since ConfiForms version 1.13

We now support the following constants in field names:

Field name constantHow to useDetails
[count][count]:<3Will check for records count in the resultset and will return an empty result if this condition is not met
[today][today]:>[date20151210]For queries to run on a certain date (when date given is a constant). Will check today's date against the given date
[now][now]:<[datetime20151210 2:30] When "now" (current time/date) is before the given date/time

All fields support >, <, <=, >= and =



Some field types (ConfiForms Field Definition), such as user types and page types could use "this" to reference to current user or current page (where the filter is used). See below
