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Versions Compared


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Since ConfiForms app version 2.x we publish release notes here 

Table of Contents

Version 2.20


  • Support for server/data center to cloud migration - Migration from server to cloud
  • Parallel rendering to improve performance of large datasets. You can select view rendering mode in each macro.
    • ListView/CleanView and CalendarView use (old) sequential mode of rendering, as it is compatible with larger range if 3rd party apps (try switching to parallel (as it is much faster), but if you dont see expected results switch back to parallel)
    • TableView/CardView/PlainView and TableViewMerger use parallel rendering mode as a default option (as these views very rarely depend/use other 3rd macros to render their output and this mode is a lot faster than old sequential rendering mode)
  • Fixed issue with "Lookup and set value" - ConfiForms Field Definition Rules#Lookupandsetvalue when static parameters are configured to be set on lookup (incorrectly always setting the value, no matter of a lookup result)
  • Fixed regression issue with CheckboxGroup field check for empty value in filters (condition to check fo empty field was not working)
  • When whitelist is enforced in ConfiForms settings, all the redirects are also checked against the Confluence whitelist
  • HTML stored in ConfiForms fields (HTML/Hidden HTML) are now cleaned up and escaped (no scripts allowed, used OWASP policy)
  • All ConfiForms configuration and administrative operations are now following the recommendations found on
