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Versions Compared


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Since ConfiForms app version 2.x we publish release notes here 

Table of Contents

Version 2.25.2 (dev)

  • Fixed missing header in Smart multi-row field when set to render as TableView

Version 2.25.1

  • Fixed issues with migrating (to cloud) forms data that have non-latin names
  • Fixed issue with labels auto-align option set in ConfiForms Registrations Control (FormView) macros
  • Fixed issue with double rendering of the template in ConfiForms emails (IFTTT to send emails)
  • _previousState is now accessible directly through ConfiForms Field macros (not only through [entry._previousState]) - if it exists in the context for the current record, see where it exists Virtual functions
  • Virtual function to remove items is enhanced to work better on arguments given as CSV (asList). An example below that removes options from "choice1" field that already being selected and stored in choice1 and choice2 fields

    Code Block

    similar approach to create a filter dynamically (filters OUT choices from choice1 that are already used in fields choice2 and choice3). In these examples our choice1,choice2,choice3 fields are of the same structure and type

    Code Block
    choice1:[[entry.choice3.transform(id).asList]).remove([entry.choice2.transform(id).asList]).join( OR choice1:)]
