Child pages
  • Automatic validation for your fields

This is the documentation for ConfiForms Server/Data Center app

However, this might also work for ConfiForms cloud and in most cases it does. But please see this page to understand the differences between server and cloud versions of the ConfiForms app.

Using regular expressions for validation

Any valid regular expression could be used here. Some examples you can see below. 

Validations run on form submit

Look for ConfiForms Form Field Definition macro parameter 

Since version 1.4.17 you can use the reserved word [unique] in order to check for field's value uniqueness. See examples below.

ValidationRegular expression
Value is empty^\s*$

Value NOT matching something 

(Allow everything, but 'something'. Useful when you would like to apply validation on dropdown fields)

Value is not empty^(?=\s*\S).*$
Value is alphanumeric^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$
Value contains only letters^[a-zA-Z]*$
Value length (1-20 chars)^.{1,20}$
Only numbers^[0-9,;]+$
Checks if the field's value is unique within the dataset[unique]
Checks if the field's value is unique within the dataset and ensures it's length (1-20 chars)^.{1,20}$[unique]
Allow only PDF files (files with "pdf" file extension).*?\.pdf
Starts with upper case letter followed by 9 numbers[A-Z]{1}\d{9}
Starts with 2 letters, upper or lower case and followed by 6 numbers[a-zA-Z]{2}\d{6}

The best resource to work on the regular expressions is

Anything you make to work there will work on ConfiForms

Please note that there is a bug in Confluence editor with rendering placeholders for macros that have {} in their parameters.

Something like


(depending on what is inside the {})

This could be safely ignored - this affects only rendering of a macro placeholder in the editor

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