This is the documentation for ConfiForms Server/Data Center app
However, this might also work for ConfiForms cloud and in most cases it does. But please see this page to understand the differences between server and cloud versions of the ConfiForms app.
Advanced tips and tricks for ConfiForms
- Accessing Jira issue fields directly from ConfiForms using Jira issue field
- Advanced aggregations and calculations with TableView Merger
- Another example of TableView Merger usage
- Changing look and feel of the fields in views and in the form
- Conditional statements in IFTTT macro body
- ConfiForms Form to allow only one entry per user per month
- ConfiForms MatrixView and what it does
- Configuration snippets
- Confluence page permissions and ConfiForms
- Creating auto-enroll links to submit forms via links in Confluence
- Creating form with star based ratings table view
- Creating links to ConfiForms Entry Viewer to fire an action
- Creating links to filter views from request parameters - url
- Creating links to particular ConfiForms entry
- Creating simple form with parametrised redirect URL
- Custom feedback form with ConfiForms and some JavaScript
- Data Export tricks and hints
- Define form once and use it anywhere you need
- Different videos and demos
- Easy and quick way to make your ConfiForms faster
- Extending form submit routine with custom scripts
- Hacking ConfiForms ListView macro to show the forms data in Confluence the way you want
- Hacking ConfiForms ListView macro to show the forms data in Confluence the way you want 2
- Handling Confluence auto-watch when the form has file fields
- How to access ConfiForms metadata fields
- How to configure and use restrictions on ConfiForms fields
- How to copy the data from one form to another with the same structure
- How to create a page with ConfiForms IFTTT that has a ConfiForms Form with smart fields configured dynamically
- How to enable debug logging for ConfiForms app
- How to get UUID or record internal id in ConfiForms
- How to make labels align correctly when custom layout is used and fields are used with their corresponding labels
- How to reference a multi-select user values in IFTTT macro body
- How to style the email messages you send with ConfiForms
- How to troubleshoot and debug ConfiForms IFTTT rules execution
- How to use page properties and ConfiForms together
- IFTTT macro body evaluates as Velocity template
- Is it possible to run ConfiForms IFTTT macro on field transition
- Merging the data from forms with different structure sharing a common key
- Redirect to a created with IFTTT page
- Resetting form data
- Sending the change log via email
- Shows row details of a selected item
- Smart classifiers and field definition rules
- Smart classifiers and using complex properties
- Some guidelines on using database fields in ConfiForms
- TableViewMerger macro to help us to count registrations by user
- The format for Date and Datetime picker is weird
- Tracking last updater
- Using ConfiForms Field Definition Rule to lookup value from another form
- Using ConfiForms ListView with Confluence Content by Label macro
- Using ConfiForms ListView with Confluence Table of Contents macro
- Using ConfiForms PlainView to render a custom html table
- Using Confluence templates from ConfiForms with dynamic names
- Using Field Definition Rule to filter choices in another field
- Using Lookup and set a DB value action
- Using PlainView to debug ConfiForms expressions, Velocity templates and more
- Using Table Enhancer plugin together with ConfiForms TableView to render sticky header for the table
- Using TableView merger to find duplicate records
- Using transform function with smart fields
- Using URLs in IFTTT macro body
- Using web-service backed fields
- What does the error - You do not have an authorized access token for remote resource means
- Why do I see an extra button with + sign on my form and ownedBy field
- Working with Dependent DB dropdowns
Online demos and solutions
- 2 forms, one uses fields from another and have them filtered with Apply Filter rule
- 6 simple HR forms you can use in Confluence
- Action buttons with approve and not approve and a ListView
- Action buttons with approve and not approve and TableViews
- Action button to increment a value
- Add label to the page with ConfiForms
- A form that has a link to open another form
- a form with duplicated created and createdby in readonly fields
- Allow to register records with dates only after "now" - demonstration of ConfiForms Field Definition Rule
- Answers with expand macro and custom layout
- Attempt to send an email and fail, but delete the created ConfiForms record
- Authors and books - using rule to copy value from a referenced field
- Authors and books - using smart field reference
- Averages, totals, sums and standard deviation calculation
- Building a dropdown field in ConfiForms backed by webservice call to Jira Rest API - components field
- Building a dropdown field in ConfiForms backed by webservice call to Jira Rest API - createmeta
- Building custom report to show data per week with ConfiForms REST API and JavaScript
- CalendarView rendering verification
- Change field label with Field Definition rule and JavaScript
- Common table with auto numbers used by multiple forms
- ConfiForms action buttons to implement upvote / downvote
- ConfiForms action buttons to implement upvote / downvote - alternative solution
- ConfiForms action buttons to implement upvote / downvote - alternative solution with user tracking
- ConfiForms Field Definition rule to validate date interval and only allow date intervals which start on Friday
- ConfiForms form with drag and drop and REST API
- ConfiForms with autopage field to track the source
- ConfiForms with autopage field to track the source and little IFTTT update
- Content Formatting with show-hide custom button
- Copy of SUPPORT-345
- Create custom feedback form with thumbs up and thumbs down icons instead of buttons
- Create Jira issue, save the created Jira key back to ConfiForms and create a page with Jira macro
- Create Jira issue with applink for authenticated users and with webservice connection for anonymous users
- Create Jira issue with webservice connection
- Create Jira issue with webservice connection and save only jira key
- Create Jira issue with webservice connection with files and remote links
- Creating a page with autolinks
- Creating link from one form to another with setting the custom defaults
- Creating links to specific entry with ConfiForms Entry Viewer
- Creating mashups with Google maps and ConfiForms
- Creating time interval with 2 time fields
- CRUD - Simple demo to show how to setup ConfiForms to save data to database table
- Database dropdown with extra fields in a table
- Demo for ConfiForms IFTTT action to copy the data from one form to another
- Demo for dropdown and apply filter rule to show choices and use of delete rule to prevent deletes when the data is used in another form
- Demo form with a dynamic filter and CalendarView with intervals field
- Demo form with filter and CalendarView with intervals and normal dropdown
- Demo of Update by filter action to update the dependent dates in a form
- Demo on labels aware user macro and ConfiForms Registrations control FormView macro
- Demo to show 2 forms with one form to update another via IFTTT HTTP request action
- Demo to show smart fields with customer list and user of this customer list
- Demo with conditional rules to show or hide fields on the form
- Designing a quiz with ConfiForms
- DFMEA form prototype
- Direct redirect to google with params after submit via IFTTT
- dynamic dropdown and rules in IE and Edge
- Dynamic dropdown backed by ws connection
- Dynamic dropdown served from ws connection
- Dynamic dropdown with a source from a database table
- Dynamic Filters with ListView and TableView
- Dynamic filter with constant filtering condition
- Embedding excel to custom ConfiForms view
- Ensuring form non-admin users can enter only one record
- Filtering a smart dropdown and keeping the track of who has already registered
- Filtering attachments by label in an attachments picker
- Filters based on hidden field
- Form to demo partial updates in a form
- form to lookup and preset values from existing record by user
- Form to lookup and preset values from existing records
- form to lookup and preset values from existing records with radio buttons
- Form with default values set by Field def rules and by registration control
- Form with hidden fields and conditional validations
- Form with one entry per user and readonly afterwards
- Form with validation rule to accept only numbers from 1 to 10
- Form with yes no field and show/hide field definition rule
- Getting Jira issue details with IFTTT macro
- Grouping by month and counting - demo for TableViewMerger
- Holiday Application
- How to access dropdown fields properties - their IDs and LABELs
- How to create a link to a page to preset the value for ConfiForms fields
- How to filtering by specific date
- How to override the width and the height of a form dialog
- How to setup a rule to allow only one record per user per form
- How to use conditions in IFTTT macro and set the status field based on selections
- How to use ConfiForms comments field
- How to use voting controls in ConfiForms
- Implementing registrations with waiting list
- Include page dynamically based on the selection in ConfiForms
- Interval calculation between dates
- Limiting characters count in a field
- Limit number of characters in a field with ConfiForms Field Definition Rule
- Little showcase of different forms - just for fun
- Lookup field value form another form
- Lookup for pages in this space and everywhere
- Lookups and Filed Definition rules demo
- Merge forms with different structure
- Mixing up ConfiForms ListView and Content by Label macro
- Page to demo score calculation using 2 methods
- Page with autopage and space key
- Phone numbers utilization
- Pre-selecting the smart field choices via Registration Control in a smart way
- Quick demo on setting presets - number and dropdown
- quick test on calculations for anonymous users
- quick test on calculations for anonymous users - online
- Redirect on save to dynamic url with IFTTT Update
- Redirect on save to dynamic url with IFTTT with javascript
- Running custom Javascript via Field definition rule
- Send email when action button is clicked
- Set the value on dropdown choice change
- Setting price automatically depending on the choice from checkbox group
- Setting status field to some value using Registrations Control and preset values parameter
- Setting the field based on record state - for new record it is set to 1 and for updates we set it to 2
- Setting value for the smart field
- Shopping cart like form
- Show characters count in text area field with ConfiForms Field Definition Rule of JavaScript type
- Show custom info text for each radio option selection
- Show form definition in a code macro
- Showing data from a restricted page but with setting in ConfiForms macro to open the data to everyone
- Simple calculation with formula field
- Simple demo to demonstrate how show and hide rules work together with user picker field
- Simple form with custom button for registrations
- Simple form with custom registration layout and field rules to show and hide the fields
- Simple form with name and profession and another form to reference it with smart dropdown
- Simple form with show and hide field with custom 2 column mode design
- Simple form with show and hide field with custom 2 column mode design with content formatting macros
- Simple online calculator without a submit
- Simple relations between forms
- Simple stock - warehouse with ConfiForms
- Smart dropdown with a classifying field
- Smart dropdown with a text field to add new custom choice
- Sticky box - custom user macro with absolute position
- SUPPORT-6680
- Survey example - showcase
- Testing form with complex descriptions
- Tracking user and last updated time
- Tracking user and last updated time 2
- trunc the field with trunc virtual function
- Updating the form when user meeting is scheduled
- User macro to show how to make a ConfiForms dropdown field with possibility to choose other option
- Users and their documents to read and to do
- using apply filter on dependent smart dropdowns
- Using apply filter on field rule
- Using ConfiForms Definition Rules to execute custom Javascript to toggle other page elements visible
- Using ConfiForms Field Definition Rules
- Using ConfiForms Field Definition rules with JavaScript action to get and set field values
- Using ConfiForms Field Definition Rule to set the date to 15 days after the date the user has selected
- Using ConfiForms REST API and JavaScript to calculate totals and percentage
- Using ConfiForms Rule for Field Definition to calculate the sums online
- Using ConfiForms status fields in filters
- Using custom JavaScript with date ranges to create the records
- Using JavaScript from Field rule to hide Save button
- Using JavaScript to implement show/hide more details in the field
- Using self learning dynamic label
- Using smart classifier field built from a from with 3 columns - 3 levels deep classifier
- Using smart fields to pre-set the data
- Using Table View merger to return unique rows
- Using TableViewMerger to show fields in one column
- Using TableViewMerger to show the data with CONCAT function
- Using value to match with checkbox in field rule
- Validate date intervals
- Validate textarea based on the selection in the dropdown
- Validation for empty textarea based on selection in another field
- Validation is reported twice - in header and for each field
- Vendors and Clients - using Charts and TableViewMerger
- Verifying if a cardview works correctly with edit controls and non-admin users and inline individual edits