Playground and DEMO space

This is a playground and demo space for ConfiForms and ConfiDoc addons developed and supported by Vertuna LLC

Most pages provide a storage format for the demo, so you can use the free add-on from Atlassian Confluence Source Editor (or through the bundled in ConfiForms storage editor) to import this configuration into your Confluence and see it in action

To import examples from the storage format on Confluence Cloud please see this page

Please note, all the examples here are provided without any obligation and may or may not be incomplete or may have bugs, and we provide NO SUPPORT for these examples and demos.

This demo is to show how the data can actually be referenced through the smart field (not copied to the other form, but used through the smart field)

In contrast to Authors and books - using rule to copy value from a referenced field


Showing the data over form2, referencing the "author" field in form 1 using the ("smart") field in form 2

Chaning the author field in form 1 will be REFLECTED in this form view immediately (as the field is not copied, but only referenced) 

Pick from

Author field is from form1

Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
lkjnn 316454
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
what Author3
test1 jacques
book of dreams page
Mark Mark
Green Blue
Green Orange
test1 jacques
H Ali
test test
test1 jacques
Quick Mike Horn
teet etet
2-author 1-author
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
Mark Mark
lkjnn 316454
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
d d
book of dreams page
2-author 1-author
222 111
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
Ball Jonzo
Mark Mark
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
JRR Tolkien Form 22
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
Quick Mike Horn
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
Abc James B
Mouse Micky
es stephen king
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
teet etet
sing Singer
paul auster
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
Quick Mike Horn
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
Loadme11 Author11
book of dreams page
book of dreams page
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
Green Orange
paul auster 1st Level
ergregreergregreg ergregre
hi hello
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
WhereIsThis NewAuthor
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
test1 jacques
Quick Mike Horn
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
Dan Harmons loadme Dan Harmon
234 123
rep per
12 12
loadme Birki Birki
muh1 muh
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
Green Blue
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
Test Fab
great hadi
Andre Andre
loadme Em
JB Jan Brzechwa
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
Book 1 Author 1
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
ergregreergregreg ergregre
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
nice NWB
Mark Mark
coucou davidaaaa
Star Crossed Barbara Dee
Mark Mark
ergregreergregreg ergregre
Asaa Asa
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
AAAA Günther
james3 james
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
test45 test4
lkjnn 316454
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
test 12345 test 12345
Mark Mark
Der Wetterelefant Benjamin Blümchen
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
Faraway Tree Enid Blyton
test1 jacques
Mark Mark
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
ergregreergregreg ergregre
Ejemplo Fernando
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
what Author3
book of dreams page
Silvi Silvi
AAAA Günther
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
222 111
test1 jacques
Abc James B
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
ffff ffffff
lkjnn 316454
nabokov aleks
war and piece Leo Tolstoy
asas asas
lorchi load me Lorchi
lorchi load me Lorchi
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
Ball Jonzo
JRR Tolkien Form 22
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
ergregreergregreg ergregre
Load Form - 3 JRR Tolkien
test1 jacques


Storage format for the solution

<ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="24adbb2a-9287-47ae-804e-a311d97dafd4" ac:name="confiform" ac:schema-version="1">
  <ac:parameter ac:name="formName">form12</ac:parameter>
    <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="d1aa6338-4dfe-46ba-a158-f70bb87102bb" ac:name="confiform-entry-register" ac:schema-version="1">
      <ac:parameter ac:name="registrationButtonLabel">Register author</ac:parameter>
        <p> </p>
      <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="70244924-09fe-45ed-be2e-1edaae6a42fe" ac:name="confiform-field-definition" ac:schema-version="1">
        <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">author</ac:parameter>
        <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldLabel">Author</ac:parameter>
        <ac:parameter ac:name="type">text</ac:parameter>
      <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="fd47aa7d-88dc-4b22-94b9-1ec398452899" ac:name="confiform-field-definition" ac:schema-version="1">
        <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">loadme</ac:parameter>
        <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldLabel">loadme</ac:parameter>
        <ac:parameter ac:name="type">text</ac:parameter>
<ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="db83cd79-8b78-43b9-9092-83698a9fdeae" ac:name="confiform" ac:schema-version="1">
  <ac:parameter ac:name="formName">form22</ac:parameter>
    <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="448efcea-06f2-4ecb-a4d8-3736c9c214e1" ac:name="confiform-entry-register" ac:schema-version="1">
      <ac:parameter ac:name="registrationButtonLabel">Register form 2</ac:parameter>
        <p> </p>
      <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="8c735d3f-9bc1-4e6e-adcf-bd770b611ceb" ac:name="confiform-field-definition" ac:schema-version="1">
        <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">pickFrom</ac:parameter>
        <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldLabel">Pick from</ac:parameter>
        <ac:parameter ac:name="values">[11862864|form12|loadme|true||]</ac:parameter>
        <ac:parameter ac:name="type">smartselect</ac:parameter>
    <p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Showing the data over form2, referencing the "author" field in form 1 using the ("smart") field in form 2</p>
<p>Chaning the author field in form 1 will be REFLECTED in this form view immediately (as the field is not copied, but only referenced) </p>
<ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="ec068312-e1f4-49ad-9724-bb57343b0456" ac:name="confiform-table" ac:schema-version="1">
  <ac:parameter ac:name="formName">form22</ac:parameter>
      <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="1662b4d5-ca89-40c3-b7cc-bb1b36394004" ac:name="confiform-field" ac:schema-version="1">
        <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">pickFrom</ac:parameter>
      <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="33c1d2e4-ed29-46e1-bb0f-b8955aa02078" ac:name="confiform-field" ac:schema-version="1">
        <ac:parameter ac:name="overrideLabel">Author field is from form1</ac:parameter>
        <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName"></ac:parameter>





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