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Analyze your Confluence content


SpaceAuditor is an add-on to


Confluence Space Tools


which brings visibility to your stored content, plugins used (


an unused), users,




and much much more.


  It's an indispensable tool


when you are planning a Confluence




purchasing new licenses


for your installed plugins, or simply




the Confluence space in


your day to day work.

Understand your content


Know it's size

Space size with and without attachments,


pages and their versions,


trash size




much more details about


your Confluence space



Used and unused (to help you with upgrade decisions). Know which page is a heavy plugins user, most used plugins, etc


Various metrics around pages: sizes, most commented, most contributed, oldest (and probably obsolete pages) and many more

Obsoleted content

Easily understand what pages are old and probably have obsolete information

Wiki markup

How much of your content is still in wiki markup.


Consolidated view for all spaces and the content. Exportable usage reports for further analysis and comparison.

Know your users


Know space admins, contributors and main users


Who is subscribed to space blogs, who watches which pages, subscriptions by deactivated users


Permissions and pages by deactivated users. Restrictions set by deactivated users


Plugin timeouts and does not show the stats...

For large spaces you will need to increase timeout to be able to receive the stats. This is done using the the following URL: https://your-confluence-server/plugins/vertuna/spaceauditor/settimeout.action?timeout=1200000&key=SPACEKEY"

The timeout is given in milliseconds, in the example above it is set to 20 minutes

Where I can find the SpaceAuditor pages in Confluence?

It is part of Space Admin UI (Confluence). Also there is a general view in Confluence Admin UI (for all spaces)

Does the plugin provides the realtime data or the stats are based on some snapshot?

Realtime data and data is gathered online when you request it. So, it might affect your Confluence server performance for some time, especially on low-end hardware or on high-load systems

Why the plugin is again non-free?

Free model does not provide us with the feedback we are after and we cannot develop our plugin further. We like to have a customer driven development, but we do not receive new feature requests and this we do not like at all. We have added a couple of features we think our customers will like and optimizied some parts to be less resource hungry,

I want to gather some stats which your plugin does not provide. Can you help me?

Yes, please tell us about it. Send your enquiry to vertuna(at)

SpaceAuditor provides various metrics for analyzing Confluence pages, including their size, those with the most comments, those with the most contributions, age (as a guide for updating obsolete pages), and many more.

Obsolete content
Easily understand which pages are old as a guide for updating obsolete information.

Wiki markup
Assess how much of the Confluence content is still in wiki or HTML markup.
