Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

List of math operators and functions supported in ConfiForms Field macro (calculated/formula fields and TableView Merger macro)


+ ConfiForms ValueView macro

Please note that formulas are calculated PER ROW.

And if used within TableViewMerger or ValueView macros then calculated per row values might also be aggregated across the matched rows


Supported Operators

Mathematical Operators
+Additive operator
-Subtraction operator
*Multiplication operator
/Division operator
%Remainder operator (Modulo)
^Power operator


[entry.f1] + ([entry.f2] * [entry.f3])Simple math expression, assuming f3 = 2, f2 = 1 and f1 = 5 the calculated value will be 7
IF(0, hi, bye)bye
IF([entry.somefield], hi, bye)depending on the field value: if 0 then "bye" will be outputted and "hi" otherwise
IF([entry.field1]+31, IF([entry.field2], 4, 12)*10, NA)also, depends on a values for fields field1 and field2
FORMATDATE(NOW())will print current date using Confluence date format

IF(EMPTY("[entry.somefield]", "ERROR", "SUCCESS")

will print ERROR if the value for field "somefield" is empty and SUCCESS if not empty

IF(LEN("[entry.someotherfield]")>1, "Good", "Not good at all")

will print Good if someotherfield's value is longer than 1 character (and if not then Not good at all is printed)
FORMATNUMBER([entry.f1], "###,###.00")

when entry.f1 = 100 the output will be: 100.00

when entry.f1 = 1100.01 the output will be: 1,100.01

FORMATNUMBER([entry.f1], "###,###.##")

when entry.f1 = 100 the output will be: 100

when entry.f1 = 1100.01 the output will be: 1,100.01

FORMATNUMBER(ZEROIFEMPTY("[entry.f1]"), "###,###.##")when entry.f1 is empty (nothing set), then 0 will be given to FORMATNUMBER function and the result would be: 0
IF(EMPTY("[entry.somefield]", "ERROR", IF(EMPTY("[entry.anotherfield]", "ERROR", "SUCCESS"))))to check if both values for fields "somefield" and "anotherfield" do present and set the label to "SUCCESS" (and to "ERROR" otherwise)

As always, using [entry.field_name] notations you can access other field properties (depending on a field type) and apply functions whenever needed

Accessing field values and properties

Virtual functions