ConfiForms Plugin for Confluence - easily create your very own custom data entry forms with workflows and integrations (such sending emails, creating JIRA issues, using ConfiForms forms as page templates and much much more)


Data Entry Forms and workflows for Confluence made easy and with love!

ConfiDoc Plugin for Confluence - create content mashups, include and reuse from *any* source (now including DATABASES!)


The easiest way to integrate REST services, data from the databases (using SQL) or any arbitrary HTML content in Confluence

SpaceAuditor for Confluence

Confluence system audit and statistics. Know your content, add-ons used and not used, most popular, less popular and many other metrics and details about your Confluence content.

Also includes a handy toolbox with simple macros to show page author, page created date, modified date and many other metadata fields

Profile Strength for Confluence

Custom profiles what are unique to your organization. Free for everyone and supported by Vertuna LLC!



SLA for Add-ons developed by Vertuna LLC

Vertuna Atlassian Add-ons EULA

Our mailing list

From time to time we send announcements about our add-ons, configuration hints, tutorials on new features.


Lists are managed with MailChimp

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