Vertuna LLC

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Our apps* are created for Atlassian products and help our users and customers to automate or manage their tasks easier. Software (an app for Atlassian Confluence software is developed and maintained by Vertuna LLC).

ConfiTemplatesWe use Confluence REST APIs with READ and ACT_AS_USER scopes to render the contents of Confluence pages  according to given configuration. Configuration is stored on Confluence server this software (add-on) is used
ConfiFormsConfiForms needs the following app scopes: "READ", "WRITE", "DELETE", "ACT_AS_USER" (so, we can create and delete pages on behalf of the user in case if ConfiForms is setup to create pages)
HTML IncludeHTML Include for Confluence needs the following scopes: "READ", "ACT_AS_USER". App does not change any data in your instance
AssetForms for JiraWe need to have the following scopes "READ", "WRITE", "DELETE", "ACT_AS_USER" (this is to verify your permissions)

All communications are SSL secured (including to the database, when hosted in Digital Ocean, see below).

Data storage and access

ConfiTemplates app is hosted on Servers are located in NYC, USA. Access to the Vertuna servers and data is strictly limited only to Vertuna support team. Our support team periodically inspects servers and data stored to troubleshoot issues and monitor application performance.

ConfiForms app is hosted on Servers are located in NYC, USA

HTML include for Confluence cloud is hosted on Servers are located in NYC, USA

AssetForms for Jira cloud is hosted on Servers are located in NYC, USA

Data Backup policy

We back up all data at least once every day and keep them for 30 days. Backups are stored on Digital Ocean servers in NYC (NYC1 region, USA). Daily backups for the database clusters are performed

Audit and penetration testing

We are part the Marketplace Bug Bounty Program (

Security certifications

Working on getting CAIQ Lite.

  File Modified
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet CAIQ-Lite-Vertuna-2020.xlsx Nov 04, 2020 by Alex Medved
PDF File ECOHELP-2279.pdf Feb 24, 2023 by Alex Medved

Self assessments as per

Data Processing agreement (GDPR)

Please sign and send to to receive your signed copy.

  File Modified
PDF File Data-Processing-Agreement-GDPR.pdf Apr 11, 2022 by Alex Medved

Data Privacy

Data collected (logs) during the use of any of our apps will not be shared with third parties except as required by the law. When you uninstall the add-on, all of the data you provided to us will be immediately removed (logs have a retention policy of 1 month, forms data has retention policy of 1 month).

Effective as of March 17, 2017.

See also our Privacy Policy 

Our apps*:

  • ConfiTemplates for Confluence (previously known as Smart Templates)
  • ConfiForms - forms and workflows for Confluence
  • HTML include for Confluence cloud
  • AssetForms for Jira cloud
  • No labels