This is the documentation for ConfiForms Server/Data Center app
However, this might also work for ConfiForms cloud and in most cases it does. But please see this page to understand the differences between server and cloud versions of the ConfiForms app.
This short tutorial shows you how to setup a form with conditional validation, which allows only one record per user per month
Consider a very simple form with just one field of type "Date", we name it "mydate"
Just one field and one rule. Everything is in default state, the important bit here is the ConfiForms Rules for Field Definition macro and how it is set up
So, we have a rule to run a validation action across the dataset and this will be executed when the condition is met.
The condition is set as follows:
mydate.formatDate(MM):[entry.mydate.formatDate(MM)] AND createdBy:[] AND _count:>1
We use Virtual functions here to transforma date field into a month, we use context variable _count and we use context variable called [] to access the current user login
Alternative way of writing the condition (and more modern), using the context variable _user
mydate.formatDate(MM):[entry.mydate.formatDate(MM)] AND createdBy:[entry._user] AND _count:>1
Complete configuration in storage format is available here