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We at Vertuna LLC, live, eat and breath data entry forms, we just love to build forms to quickly collect user opinions and feedback. And we love Atlassian products, so we have built, and continue to build, the best forms add-on for Confluence available on Atlassian Marketplace called - ConfiForms, Data entry forms and workflows.

ConfiForms provides a lot of versatility on the features and use cases it covers and supports. While, almost everything could be build with Confluence editor, using the macros ConfiForms provides, in this article we would like to show you some custom, sexy forms, you can build with ConfiForms and with a bit of scripting.

We will build the a form to quickly gather user's feedback, something you have probably seen in the airports all over the globe

An example of how ongoing feedback is collected at Heathrow Airport [Source]

looks Looks familiar? OK, in our case it will look a little bit different and will be something like this

Icons designed by from Flaticon [License]

We would like to collect the data from our users and show some simple charts and reports over the collected data later.


We will use ConfiForms plugin to define the form, The form will be very simple, having just one field definition and the field definition would be of type "Dropdown" with 4 options

3Could be better

In Confluence editor this would look like this:

[---- HOW the form looks in Confluence Editor ---- ]

We can add a default FormView, but it is rather boring, as you can see

[---- Adding FormView and showing it in rendered view ---- ]

We want something more sexy and user engaging. So, we will build a user macro with icons and a little bit of scripting to glue the things together.