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We want something more sexy and user engaging. So, we will build a user macro with icons and a little bit of scripting to glue the things together.


When a form is used by an authenticated user then this information is stored in the createdBy field, as ConfiForms has some metadata fields stored with each record (even when you have defined just one field, as we did in this example)

When a form is used by anonymous users the createdBy field is left blank

What is good about ConfiForms is that you can use and re-use the defined form on multiple pages, as well as build the "views" around the stored data where you want. Let's build the table over the stored data, we will show the metadata field created with the feedback given

ConfiForms TableView



Also, to have a good overview of the data stored we will make a simple report using Confluence built in chart macro and will group the choices made by our users and present the aggregated data as a pie chart

ConfiForms TableView Merger



Could be better:([count_choice=3])

