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  • We have 2 forms
  • 1st form has 3 fields, all are of type text and with names f1t1, f2 t2 and f3t3
  • 2nd form has just one field, named "sm" (like "smartclassifier") and it is of type smart classifier and the data is configured to be taken from the first form, and the reducing/filtering logic is as follows: 
    • by field t1
    • by field t2
    • by field t3


This way you can reference any field in the related form, like to reference field "t2" you will write [] or just sm.t2 if used in ConfiForms Field macro


Since version 1.16 you can reference ANY field from a referenced Smart field, that means: when you have a reference to other form you can easily get any field values from that form though this reference. Our value finding methods are now much more advanced and allow you to do that.