- Created by Alex Medved, last updated on Oct 18, 2024 14 minute read
Playground and DEMO space
This is a playground and demo space for ConfiForms and ConfiDoc addons developed and supported by Vertuna LLC
Most pages provide a storage format for the demo, so you can use the free add-on from Atlassian Confluence Source Editor (or through the bundled in ConfiForms storage editor) to import this configuration into your Confluence and see it in action
To import examples from the storage format on Confluence Cloud please see this page
Please note, all the examples here are provided without any obligation and may or may not be incomplete or may have bugs, and we provide NO SUPPORT for these examples and demos.
In this tutorial we show how to fill in the dropdown field with values for priorities (priority field in JIRA project)
The underlying request is as follows
With response given with the following structure:
{ expand: "projects", projects: [ { expand: "issuetypes", self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/project/10000", id: "10000", key: "JTEST", name: "JTEST", avatarUrls: { 48x48: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 24x24: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=small&pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 16x16: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=xsmall&pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 32x32: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=medium&pid=10000&avatarId=10546" }, issuetypes: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issuetype/10101", id: "10101", description: "A task that needs to be done.", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/viewavatar?size=xsmall&avatarId=10318&avatarType=issuetype", name: "Task", subtask: false, expand: "fields", fields: { summary: { required: true, schema: { type: "string", system: "summary" }, name: "Summary", key: "summary", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, issuetype: { required: true, schema: { type: "issuetype", system: "issuetype" }, name: "Issue Type", key: "issuetype", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issuetype/10101", id: "10101", description: "A task that needs to be done.", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/viewavatar?size=xsmall&avatarId=10318&avatarType=issuetype", name: "Task", subtask: false, avatarId: 10318 } ] }, components: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "component", system: "components" }, name: "Component/s", key: "components", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ ] }, description: { required: false, schema: { type: "string", system: "description" }, name: "Description", key: "description", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, project: { required: true, schema: { type: "project", system: "project" }, name: "Project", key: "project", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/project/10000", id: "10000", key: "JTEST", name: "JTEST", projectTypeKey: "software", avatarUrls: { 48x48: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 24x24: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=small&pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 16x16: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=xsmall&pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 32x32: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=medium&pid=10000&avatarId=10546" } } ] }, reporter: { required: true, schema: { type: "user", system: "reporter" }, name: "Reporter", key: "reporter", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/user/search?username=", hasDefaultValue: true, operations: [ "set" ] }, fixVersions: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "version", system: "fixVersions" }, name: "Fix Version/s", key: "fixVersions", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set", "add", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10000", id: "10000", name: "Version 1.0", archived: false, released: true, releaseDate: "2017-02-20", userReleaseDate: "20/Feb/17", projectId: 10000 }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10001", id: "10001", name: "Version 2.0", archived: false, released: false, releaseDate: "2017-03-06", overdue: true, userReleaseDate: "06/Mar/17", projectId: 10000 }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10002", id: "10002", name: "Version 3.0", archived: false, released: false, projectId: 10000 } ] }, priority: { required: false, schema: { type: "priority", system: "priority" }, name: "Priority", key: "priority", hasDefaultValue: true, operations: [ "set" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/1", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/highest.svg", name: "Highest", id: "1" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/2", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/high.svg", name: "High", id: "2" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/3", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/medium.svg", name: "Medium", id: "3" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/4", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/low.svg", name: "Low", id: "4" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/5", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/lowest.svg", name: "Lowest", id: "5" } ], defaultValue: { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/3", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/medium.svg", name: "Medium", id: "3" } }, labels: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "string", system: "labels" }, name: "Labels", key: "labels", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/1.0/labels/suggest?query=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ] }, customfield_10005: { required: false, schema: { type: "any", custom: "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-link", customId: 10005 }, name: "Epic Link", key: "customfield_10005", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, customfield_10216: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "option", custom: "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect", customId: 10216 }, name: "multipultifield", key: "customfield_10216", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10102", value: "uno", id: "10102" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10103", value: "duo", id: "10103" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10104", value: "tres", id: "10104" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10105", value: "quattro", id: "10105" } ] }, attachment: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "attachment", system: "attachment" }, name: "Attachment", key: "attachment", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ ] }, customfield_10119: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "string", custom: "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint", customId: 10119 }, name: "Sprint", key: "customfield_10119", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, issuelinks: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "issuelinks", system: "issuelinks" }, name: "Linked Issues", key: "issuelinks", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/picker?currentProjectId=&showSubTaskParent=true&showSubTasks=true¤tIssueKey=null&query=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add" ] }, assignee: { required: false, schema: { type: "user", system: "assignee" }, name: "Assignee", key: "assignee", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/user/assignable/search?project=JTEST&username=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] } } }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issuetype/10102", id: "10102", description: "The sub-task of the issue", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/viewavatar?size=xsmall&avatarId=10316&avatarType=issuetype", name: "Sub-task", subtask: true, expand: "fields", fields: { summary: { required: true, schema: { type: "string", system: "summary" }, name: "Summary", key: "summary", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, issuetype: { required: true, schema: { type: "issuetype", system: "issuetype" }, name: "Issue Type", key: "issuetype", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issuetype/10102", id: "10102", description: "The sub-task of the issue", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/viewavatar?size=xsmall&avatarId=10316&avatarType=issuetype", name: "Sub-task", subtask: true, avatarId: 10316 } ] }, parent: { required: true, schema: { type: "issuelink", system: "parent" }, name: "Parent", key: "parent", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, components: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "component", system: "components" }, name: "Component/s", key: "components", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ ] }, description: { required: false, schema: { type: "string", system: "description" }, name: "Description", key: "description", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, project: { required: true, schema: { type: "project", system: "project" }, name: "Project", key: "project", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/project/10000", id: "10000", key: "JTEST", name: "JTEST", projectTypeKey: "software", avatarUrls: { 48x48: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 24x24: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=small&pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 16x16: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=xsmall&pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 32x32: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=medium&pid=10000&avatarId=10546" } } ] }, reporter: { required: true, schema: { type: "user", system: "reporter" }, name: "Reporter", key: "reporter", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/user/search?username=", hasDefaultValue: true, operations: [ "set" ] }, fixVersions: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "version", system: "fixVersions" }, name: "Fix Version/s", key: "fixVersions", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set", "add", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10000", id: "10000", name: "Version 1.0", archived: false, released: true, releaseDate: "2017-02-20", userReleaseDate: "20/Feb/17", projectId: 10000 }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10001", id: "10001", name: "Version 2.0", archived: false, released: false, releaseDate: "2017-03-06", overdue: true, userReleaseDate: "06/Mar/17", projectId: 10000 }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10002", id: "10002", name: "Version 3.0", archived: false, released: false, projectId: 10000 } ] }, priority: { required: false, schema: { type: "priority", system: "priority" }, name: "Priority", key: "priority", hasDefaultValue: true, operations: [ "set" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/1", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/highest.svg", name: "Highest", id: "1" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/2", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/high.svg", name: "High", id: "2" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/3", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/medium.svg", name: "Medium", id: "3" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/4", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/low.svg", name: "Low", id: "4" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/5", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/lowest.svg", name: "Lowest", id: "5" } ], defaultValue: { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/3", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/medium.svg", name: "Medium", id: "3" } }, labels: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "string", system: "labels" }, name: "Labels", key: "labels", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/1.0/labels/suggest?query=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ] }, customfield_10005: { required: false, schema: { type: "any", custom: "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-link", customId: 10005 }, name: "Epic Link", key: "customfield_10005", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, customfield_10216: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "option", custom: "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect", customId: 10216 }, name: "multipultifield", key: "customfield_10216", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10102", value: "uno", id: "10102" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10103", value: "duo", id: "10103" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10104", value: "tres", id: "10104" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10105", value: "quattro", id: "10105" } ] }, attachment: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "attachment", system: "attachment" }, name: "Attachment", key: "attachment", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ ] }, customfield_10119: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "string", custom: "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint", customId: 10119 }, name: "Sprint", key: "customfield_10119", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, issuelinks: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "issuelinks", system: "issuelinks" }, name: "Linked Issues", key: "issuelinks", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/picker?currentProjectId=&showSubTaskParent=true&showSubTasks=true¤tIssueKey=null&query=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add" ] }, assignee: { required: false, schema: { type: "user", system: "assignee" }, name: "Assignee", key: "assignee", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/user/assignable/search?project=JTEST&username=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] } } }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issuetype/10100", id: "10100", description: "A user story. Created by JIRA Software - do not edit or delete.", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/issuetypes/story.svg", name: "Story", subtask: false, expand: "fields", fields: { summary: { required: true, schema: { type: "string", system: "summary" }, name: "Summary", key: "summary", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, issuetype: { required: true, schema: { type: "issuetype", system: "issuetype" }, name: "Issue Type", key: "issuetype", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issuetype/10100", id: "10100", description: "A user story. Created by JIRA Software - do not edit or delete.", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/issuetypes/story.svg", name: "Story", subtask: false } ] }, components: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "component", system: "components" }, name: "Component/s", key: "components", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ ] }, description: { required: false, schema: { type: "string", system: "description" }, name: "Description", key: "description", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, project: { required: true, schema: { type: "project", system: "project" }, name: "Project", key: "project", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/project/10000", id: "10000", key: "JTEST", name: "JTEST", projectTypeKey: "software", avatarUrls: { 48x48: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 24x24: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=small&pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 16x16: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=xsmall&pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 32x32: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=medium&pid=10000&avatarId=10546" } } ] }, reporter: { required: true, schema: { type: "user", system: "reporter" }, name: "Reporter", key: "reporter", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/user/search?username=", hasDefaultValue: true, operations: [ "set" ] }, fixVersions: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "version", system: "fixVersions" }, name: "Fix Version/s", key: "fixVersions", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set", "add", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10000", id: "10000", name: "Version 1.0", archived: false, released: true, releaseDate: "2017-02-20", userReleaseDate: "20/Feb/17", projectId: 10000 }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10001", id: "10001", name: "Version 2.0", archived: false, released: false, releaseDate: "2017-03-06", overdue: true, userReleaseDate: "06/Mar/17", projectId: 10000 }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10002", id: "10002", name: "Version 3.0", archived: false, released: false, projectId: 10000 } ] }, priority: { required: false, schema: { type: "priority", system: "priority" }, name: "Priority", key: "priority", hasDefaultValue: true, operations: [ "set" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/1", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/highest.svg", name: "Highest", id: "1" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/2", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/high.svg", name: "High", id: "2" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/3", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/medium.svg", name: "Medium", id: "3" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/4", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/low.svg", name: "Low", id: "4" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/5", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/lowest.svg", name: "Lowest", id: "5" } ], defaultValue: { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/3", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/medium.svg", name: "Medium", id: "3" } }, labels: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "string", system: "labels" }, name: "Labels", key: "labels", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/1.0/labels/suggest?query=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ] }, customfield_10005: { required: false, schema: { type: "any", custom: "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-link", customId: 10005 }, name: "Epic Link", key: "customfield_10005", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, customfield_10216: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "option", custom: "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect", customId: 10216 }, name: "multipultifield", key: "customfield_10216", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10102", value: "uno", id: "10102" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10103", value: "duo", id: "10103" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10104", value: "tres", id: "10104" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10105", value: "quattro", id: "10105" } ] }, attachment: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "attachment", system: "attachment" }, name: "Attachment", key: "attachment", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ ] }, customfield_10119: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "string", custom: "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint", customId: 10119 }, name: "Sprint", key: "customfield_10119", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, issuelinks: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "issuelinks", system: "issuelinks" }, name: "Linked Issues", key: "issuelinks", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/picker?currentProjectId=&showSubTaskParent=true&showSubTasks=true¤tIssueKey=null&query=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add" ] }, assignee: { required: false, schema: { type: "user", system: "assignee" }, name: "Assignee", key: "assignee", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/user/assignable/search?project=JTEST&username=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] } } }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issuetype/10103", id: "10103", description: "A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/viewavatar?size=xsmall&avatarId=10303&avatarType=issuetype", name: "Bug", subtask: false, expand: "fields", fields: { summary: { required: true, schema: { type: "string", system: "summary" }, name: "Summary", key: "summary", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, issuetype: { required: true, schema: { type: "issuetype", system: "issuetype" }, name: "Issue Type", key: "issuetype", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issuetype/10103", id: "10103", description: "A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/viewavatar?size=xsmall&avatarId=10303&avatarType=issuetype", name: "Bug", subtask: false, avatarId: 10303 } ] }, components: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "component", system: "components" }, name: "Component/s", key: "components", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ ] }, description: { required: false, schema: { type: "string", system: "description" }, name: "Description", key: "description", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, project: { required: true, schema: { type: "project", system: "project" }, name: "Project", key: "project", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/project/10000", id: "10000", key: "JTEST", name: "JTEST", projectTypeKey: "software", avatarUrls: { 48x48: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 24x24: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=small&pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 16x16: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=xsmall&pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 32x32: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=medium&pid=10000&avatarId=10546" } } ] }, reporter: { required: true, schema: { type: "user", system: "reporter" }, name: "Reporter", key: "reporter", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/user/search?username=", hasDefaultValue: true, operations: [ "set" ] }, fixVersions: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "version", system: "fixVersions" }, name: "Fix Version/s", key: "fixVersions", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set", "add", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10000", id: "10000", name: "Version 1.0", archived: false, released: true, releaseDate: "2017-02-20", userReleaseDate: "20/Feb/17", projectId: 10000 }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10001", id: "10001", name: "Version 2.0", 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self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/4", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/low.svg", name: "Low", id: "4" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/5", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/lowest.svg", name: "Lowest", id: "5" } ], defaultValue: { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/3", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/medium.svg", name: "Medium", id: "3" } }, labels: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "string", system: "labels" }, name: "Labels", key: "labels", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/1.0/labels/suggest?query=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ] }, customfield_10005: { required: false, schema: { type: "any", custom: "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-link", customId: 10005 }, name: "Epic Link", key: "customfield_10005", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, environment: { required: false, schema: { type: "string", system: "environment" }, name: "Environment", key: "environment", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, customfield_10216: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "option", custom: "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect", customId: 10216 }, name: "multipultifield", key: "customfield_10216", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10102", value: "uno", id: "10102" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10103", value: "duo", id: "10103" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10104", value: "tres", id: "10104" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10105", value: "quattro", id: "10105" } ] }, attachment: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "attachment", system: "attachment" }, name: "Attachment", key: "attachment", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ ] }, customfield_10119: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "string", custom: "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint", customId: 10119 }, name: "Sprint", key: "customfield_10119", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, versions: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "version", system: "versions" }, name: "Affects Version/s", key: "versions", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set", "add", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10000", id: "10000", name: "Version 1.0", archived: false, released: true, releaseDate: "2017-02-20", userReleaseDate: "20/Feb/17", projectId: 10000 }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10001", id: "10001", name: "Version 2.0", archived: false, released: false, releaseDate: "2017-03-06", overdue: true, userReleaseDate: "06/Mar/17", projectId: 10000 }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10002", id: "10002", name: "Version 3.0", archived: false, released: false, projectId: 10000 } ] }, issuelinks: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "issuelinks", system: "issuelinks" }, name: "Linked Issues", key: "issuelinks", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/picker?currentProjectId=&showSubTaskParent=true&showSubTasks=true¤tIssueKey=null&query=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add" ] }, assignee: { required: false, schema: { type: "user", system: "assignee" }, name: "Assignee", key: "assignee", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/user/assignable/search?project=JTEST&username=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] } } }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issuetype/10000", id: "10000", description: "A big user story that needs to be broken down. Created by JIRA Software - do not edit or delete.", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/issuetypes/epic.svg", name: "Epic", subtask: false, expand: "fields", fields: { summary: { required: true, schema: { type: "string", system: "summary" }, name: "Summary", key: "summary", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, issuetype: { required: true, schema: { type: "issuetype", system: "issuetype" }, name: "Issue Type", key: "issuetype", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issuetype/10000", id: "10000", description: "A big user story that needs to be broken down. Created by JIRA Software - do not edit or delete.", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/issuetypes/epic.svg", name: "Epic", subtask: false } ] }, components: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "component", system: "components" }, name: "Component/s", key: "components", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ ] }, description: { required: false, schema: { type: "string", system: "description" }, name: "Description", key: "description", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, project: { required: true, schema: { type: "project", system: "project" }, name: "Project", key: "project", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/project/10000", id: "10000", key: "JTEST", name: "JTEST", projectTypeKey: "software", avatarUrls: { 48x48: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 24x24: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=small&pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 16x16: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=xsmall&pid=10000&avatarId=10546", 32x32: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/secure/projectavatar?size=medium&pid=10000&avatarId=10546" } } ] }, reporter: { required: true, schema: { type: "user", system: "reporter" }, name: "Reporter", key: "reporter", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/user/search?username=", hasDefaultValue: true, operations: [ "set" ] }, fixVersions: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "version", system: "fixVersions" }, name: "Fix Version/s", key: "fixVersions", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set", "add", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10000", id: "10000", name: "Version 1.0", archived: false, released: true, releaseDate: "2017-02-20", userReleaseDate: "20/Feb/17", projectId: 10000 }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10001", id: "10001", name: "Version 2.0", archived: false, released: false, releaseDate: "2017-03-06", overdue: true, userReleaseDate: "06/Mar/17", projectId: 10000 }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/version/10002", id: "10002", name: "Version 3.0", archived: false, released: false, projectId: 10000 } ] }, priority: { required: false, schema: { type: "priority", system: "priority" }, name: "Priority", key: "priority", hasDefaultValue: true, operations: [ "set" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/1", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/highest.svg", name: "Highest", id: "1" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/2", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/high.svg", name: "High", id: "2" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/3", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/medium.svg", name: "Medium", id: "3" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/4", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/low.svg", name: "Low", id: "4" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/5", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/lowest.svg", name: "Lowest", id: "5" } ], defaultValue: { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/priority/3", iconUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/medium.svg", name: "Medium", id: "3" } }, customfield_10002: { required: true, schema: { type: "string", custom: "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-label", customId: 10002 }, name: "Epic Name", key: "customfield_10002", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, labels: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "string", system: "labels" }, name: "Labels", key: "labels", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/1.0/labels/suggest?query=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ] }, customfield_10005: { required: false, schema: { type: "any", custom: "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-link", customId: 10005 }, name: "Epic Link", key: "customfield_10005", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, customfield_10216: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "option", custom: "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect", customId: 10216 }, name: "multipultifield", key: "customfield_10216", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add", "set", "remove" ], allowedValues: [ { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10102", value: "uno", id: "10102" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10103", value: "duo", id: "10103" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10104", value: "tres", id: "10104" }, { self: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10105", value: "quattro", id: "10105" } ] }, attachment: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "attachment", system: "attachment" }, name: "Attachment", key: "attachment", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ ] }, customfield_10119: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "string", custom: "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint", customId: 10119 }, name: "Sprint", key: "customfield_10119", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] }, issuelinks: { required: false, schema: { type: "array", items: "issuelinks", system: "issuelinks" }, name: "Linked Issues", key: "issuelinks", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/picker?currentProjectId=&showSubTaskParent=true&showSubTasks=true¤tIssueKey=null&query=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "add" ] }, assignee: { required: false, schema: { type: "user", system: "assignee" }, name: "Assignee", key: "assignee", autoCompleteUrl: "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/user/assignable/search?project=JTEST&username=", hasDefaultValue: false, operations: [ "set" ] } } } ] } ] }
If you are looking to build a similar thing using Jira 9 then have a look at this page as well - Navigating through JSON properties
We show priorities for issue type "Task" (first one in the response)
It is important to undertand the structre of the response in order to understand how the dropdown field is built / mapped
Source code for the form
<ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="45065969-9928-4af4-8926-cd18076a7db9" ac:name="confiform" ac:schema-version="1"> <ac:parameter ac:name="formName">f1</ac:parameter> <ac:rich-text-body> <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="972e30b8-5709-454c-a3d6-e93bc5f6e7eb" ac:name="confiform-entry-register" ac:schema-version="1"> <ac:parameter ac:name="embedded">true</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="atlassian-macro-output-type">INLINE</ac:parameter> <ac:rich-text-body> <p> <br/> </p> </ac:rich-text-body> </ac:structured-macro> <p> <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="80dec9d6-432b-4f0f-b2bb-22cec7b7f209" ac:name="confiform-field-definition" ac:schema-version="1"> <ac:parameter ac:name="mapping">projects[0].issuetypes[0].fields.priority.allowedValues|id|name</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">choices</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldLabel">choices from jira field</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="values">/rest/api/latest/issue/createmeta?expand=projects.issuetypes.fields&projectKeys=JTEST</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="extras">4bb4c41a51f289a07507d50a1b841a4d</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="type">wsselect</ac:parameter> </ac:structured-macro> </p> <p> <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="7c654cc6-804f-41c2-a33c-981af412b647" ac:name="confiform-field-definition" ac:schema-version="1"> <ac:parameter ac:name="mapping">projects[0].issuetypes[0].fields.customfield_10216.allowedValues|id|value</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">somecustomfield</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldLabel">custom field</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="values">/rest/api/latest/issue/createmeta?expand=projects.issuetypes.fields&projectKeys=JTEST</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="extras">4bb4c41a51f289a07507d50a1b841a4d</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="type">wsselect</ac:parameter> </ac:structured-macro> </p> </ac:rich-text-body> </ac:structured-macro>
So, we take the response, and go through projects, selecting 2nd element from the array, then take issuetypes field and get the 1st element, then going down the tree to "fields", then finding "priority" field and it's "allowedValues"
If you are using latest createmeta APIs from Jira 9
GET /rest/api/2/issue/createmeta/{projectIdOrKey}/issuetypes/{issueTypeId}
The root to use parameter value will be a bit different. An expression would look like this (to get values for the priority field)
On Jira cloud
GET /rest/api/2/issue/createmeta/{projectIdOrKey}/issuetypes/{issueTypeId}
Similar method call, but a bit different result and the values are under the "fields" node (not "values" node)
Mappings for the ID and LABEL (parameters) will be the same: id and name
Our web service connection to set to "https://vertuna-test.atlassian.net"